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$M^2=0$ defines a Koszul algebra ? What if $M$ is Manin's endomorphism's of Koszul $A$ ? (Here $M^2=\sum_k M_{ik}M_{kj}$ - resembles $d^2=0$).)

Consider a matrix $M$ which elements $M_{ij}$ are generators of some algebra $K$, impose new relations: $M^2=0$ and get a new algebra $K_{2}$. Question 1: Is it true that $K_2$ is Koszul algebra when ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Row rank and column rank of matrix with entries in a commutative ring

Let $R$ be a unital commutative ring and $A\in M_{n\times m}(R)$. Under which appropriate invariant "rank" of modules discussed in "Ranks of Modules" one can say that the row rank of $A$ is ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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A peculiar operation on $M_2(\mathbb Z)$ which along with the usual matrix addition, makes $M_2(\mathbb Z)$ into a commutative ring with unity [closed]

For $A=\begin{pmatrix} a_1 & b_1 \\ c_1&d_1 \end{pmatrix}, B=\begin{pmatrix} a_2 & b_2 \\ c_2&d_2 \end{pmatrix}\in M_2(\mathbb Z)$, define $A*B:=a_1L_1BR_1+b_1L_1BR_2+c_1L_2BR_1+...
user521337's user avatar
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Is it true that the generator of maximal ideal in $M_n(P[x])$ can be choosen to be monic?

Let $P$ be a finite field and $R=M_n(P[x])$ be a matrix polynomial ring. I want to prove that for every polynomial (not necessary with invertible leading term) $A(x)\in R$ such that $R\cdot A(x)$ is ...
Mikhail Goltvanitsa's user avatar
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For $T$ the $2\times 2$ triangular matrices over $R$, can we write $GL_2(T)=U(T)E_2(T)$?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity, and let $T = T_2(R)$ be the ring of $2\times 2$ upper triangular matrices over $R$. Is it true that the following identity holds? $$GL_2(T)=U(T)E_2(T)$$ ...
Sam Williams's user avatar
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Centralizer in a matrix algebra over commutative polynomials

Let $A=M_n(F[x_{ij}\mid 1\leq i,j\leq n])$ be the matrix algebra over commutative polynomials in $n^2$ variables $x_{11},\dots,x_{nn}$ over a (nice enough) field $F$. I would like to know what is the ...
spelas's user avatar
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When the determinant of a 2x2 polynomial matrix is a square?

Consider a 2x2 matrix $A$ with entries from $\mathbb{C}[x,y]$. Assume that $\mathrm{det} A$ is a square. Is it true that then $A$ can be represented as a noncomuting product $A=A_1 A_2 … A_{2n}$, in ...
mikhail skopenkov's user avatar
28 votes
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Expressing $-\operatorname{adj}(A)$ as a polynomial in $A$?

Suppose $A\in R^{n\times n}$, where $R$ is a commutative ring. Let $p_i \in R$ be the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of $A$: $\operatorname{det}(A-xI) = p_0 + p_1x + \dots + p_n x^n$. I ...
Laurent Lessard's user avatar