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Representation of a number as a product of $\sqrt{n^2 + 1} + n$

Question. Do there exist two multisets $A, B$ consisting of positive integer numbers such that $|A|$ and $|B|$ have different parity and $$ \prod_{n\in A}(n + \sqrt{n^2 + 1}) = \prod_{m\in B}(m + \...
Pavel Gubkin's user avatar
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When an element of a ring that is divisible by a finite set of elements is necessarily divisible by their product?

In a commutative ring $R$, when does the assumption $r_i\mid r$ for $1\le i\le n$ imply $\prod_{1\le i\le n} r_i\mid r$ (when $r_i$ are fixed)? Does there exist any criterion for this implication that ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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gcd of polynomial values

Suppose that $f$ and $g$ are two coprime polynomials in $\mathbb Z[x]$. I'm interested in any sort of upper bound on $gcd(f(a),g(a))$, in terms of the integer $a$. Are there any results of this type?...
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