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Classification of Frobenius algebras of small dimensions

Despite (commutative) Frobenius algebras over a field $K$ being a very popular class of algebraic objects, it seems no attempt of classification (up to $K$-algebra isomorphism) for them has been ...
Mare's user avatar
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Computer Algebra solution for simplicial resolutions for André-Quillen cohomology

Hello, I would like to experiment with André-Quillen (co)homology. Especially for singular rings. A key problem is that the construction of a simplicial resolution of a ring seems to require a rather ...
Ojen's user avatar
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Constructing the normal sheaf for the plucker embedding in MAGMA (or a similar programming language)

How would one construct the normal sheaf $N_{G(2,6)/\mathbb P^{14}}$ to the plucker embedding of the grassmannian $G(2,6) \rightarrow \mathbb P^{14}$ as a sheaf in MAGMA (or another programming ...
Aaron Landesman's user avatar
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Koszul algebras among finite dimensional commutative algebras

Given a local commutative artinian algebra $A$ of the form $K[x_1,...,x_n]/I$ with quadratic ideal $I$ and $K$ a field. Question 1: Is there a computer algebra system that can check whether such an ...
Mare's user avatar
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Size of minimal generating set of ideal over Laurent polynomial ring

Recently in attacking a problem in algebraic topology relating to the construction of stably-free non-free modules over integral group rings I’ve noticed that it is often fairly easy to reduce to ...
William Thomas's user avatar
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Saturated ideals in computational algebra

Let $R$ a commutative ring with one and $I, J \triangleleft R$ two ideals. The saturated ideal $I^{sat}_J$ with respect $J$ is the ideal $$(I : J^\infty )= \cup_{n \geq 1} (I:J^n)$$ where $(I:J^n)= \{...
user267839's user avatar
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Rank of matrix over UFD polynomial ring

I have a matrix, $M$, size of approximately $20\times 25$, over a polynomial ring $\mathbb{Q}[x_1, \cdots, x_n]$ and a number $r$ such that I would like to test whether or not there exist values for ...
bark's user avatar
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Compute the closure of graph of function from complement of hypersurface in $\mathbb{A}^n$

I'm hoping someone can give me some tips to help speed up computation on the following problem: Suppose I have a map $G=(g_1/f,\dots,g_m/f):\mathbb{A}^n\setminus{V(f)}\to \mathbb{A}^m$. I'm ...
user2520938's user avatar
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Compute equalizer of maps of polynomial rings, perhaps using Gröbner bases

Suppose that $k$ is a field and I have two ring homomorphisms $$ \phi, \psi :k[x_1,...,x_m] \to k[y_1,...,y_n]. $$ How can I use Gröbner bases (or other computational tools) to compute the subring of ...
John Palmieri's user avatar
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Dimension of a commuting nilpotent variety

Fix $k$ an algebraically closed field, $n$ a natural number, and $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_m)$ a partition of $n$. Let $A$ be any $n\times n$ nilpotent matrix with entries in $k$ whose ...
Jared's user avatar
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Checking the generic rank of a matrix

Suppose that $A,B\in M_{p,q}(\mathbb{Z})$ are two rectangular integer matrices of the same size. Suppose that one has a conjecture stating that the rank of the matrix $A+tB$ for Zariski generic values ...
Vladimir Dotsenko's user avatar
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Finding generators and relations for special commutative algebras with a computer

Let $K[x_1,...,x_n]$ be the polynomial ring in $n$ variables and $a_1,...,a_m$ elements in the quotient field $K(x_1,...,x_n)$. Let $A:=K[a_1,...,a_m]$ the ring generated by the $a_i$ in $K(x_1,...,...
Mare's user avatar
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How to find a single-variable polynomial in a zero-dimensional ideal?

Given finitely many multivariate polynomials with algebraic coefficients that generate a zero-dimensional ideal, is there an easy way to find a nonzero single-variable polynomial in this ideal? If we ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
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Help with Macaulay2 computation of invariant ring

Consider the algebraic group $G:=\operatorname{SL}_{2}\times\operatorname{SL}_{2}$ acting on $V:=\operatorname{Mat}_{2\times 2}\oplus\operatorname{Mat}_{2\times 2}$ via the action $(A,B)\,\cdot\,(X,Y)=...
It'sMe's user avatar
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Computing whether a set of polynomials cuts out a projective variety

I have a set of multivariate polynomials over $\mathbb{Q}$, and I want to compute whether they cut out a projective variety, i.e. whether the radical of the ideal $I$ that they generate is homogeneous....
Ben's user avatar
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Efficient algorithm to prove that a polynomial ideal contains 1

I have the following problem: Suppose to have an ideal $I\triangleleft k[x_1,...,x_n]$ defined by generators. There exists an efficient algorithm (perhaps more efficient than calculating the Groebner ...
DDT's user avatar
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Randomized alternative to Buchberger's algorithm

Richard Lipton's blog describes a A New Way To Solve Linear Equations by Prasad Raghavendra. Can the ideas in this algorithm be generalized to systems of polynomial equations to provide a randomized ...
user19172's user avatar
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Computer algebra programs that can solve polynomial systems on algebraically closed fields besides MAGMA

I was wondering which computer algebra programs out there can solve polynomial systems on the algebraic closure of $\mathbb{Q}$ analytically and efficiently. So far, I only found MAGMA with its ...
ArminJR's user avatar
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Grobner basis of the toric ideal $I_{A_P}$ with respect to $<_{rev}$ consists of those binomials $t_αt_β − t_{α\cap β} t_{α\cup β}$

I try to understand the proof of the Theorem. 10.1.3.(page 185) from ''Monomial Ideals'' by Herzog & Hibi. The reduced Grobner basis of the toric ideal $I_{A_P}$ with respect to $<_{rev}$ ...
Problemsolving's user avatar
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Grobner basis for a general algebra

Let $R$ be a quotient of the polynomial ring $\mathbb{C}[x_1,\dots , x_n]$. We fix a $\mathbb{C}^*$ action on $R$ which preserve homogenous components and the multiplication. (The geometric analogue ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Algebraic independence criterion

Is there any criterion for checking algebraic independence of a set of polynomials in $n$ variables in terms of the leading monomials with respect to some monomial order ? The Jacobian criterion is ...
Jack's user avatar
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How do I check if a sequence of R-modules is exact?

Let R be a ring. For example, take $R=k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ or, if possible, $R = \Bbb{Z}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$. Consider a sequence of free R-modules $$R^a \stackrel{f}\to R^b \stackrel{g}\to R^c$$ where $f$...
Peter McNamara's user avatar
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Low rank approximation

Can we solve low rank approximation problem by using concept of Gröbner basis? I was trying to find it by Macaulay2 but didn't find the answer. I was trying to do by toric ideals as for them Gröbner ...
anjan samanta's user avatar