Let $G$ be a finite group and denote by $r_G$ the number of conjugacy classes of pairs of commuting elements, i.e. the cardinality of the following set $$ A_G = \{ c(a_1,a_2) \ | \ a_1,a_2 \in G \text{ with } a_1a_2 = a_2a_1\},$$ where $$c(a_1,a_2) = \{ (ga_1g^{-1},ga_2g^{-1}) \ | \ g \in G \}.$$ Understanding the number $r_G$ can be insightful. As Dave's comment shows, $r_G \geq \operatorname{ord}(g)$ for every $g \in G$, implying $r_G \geq p$, by Cauchy's theorem (generalization asked here). But the computation in Appendix suggests that this inequality could be improved to $r_G \ge p^{\alpha}$ with $\alpha>1$.
Question 1: Is there $\alpha>1$ such that $r_G \ge p^{\alpha}$, for all finite group $G$ and for all prime divisors $p$ of $|G|$? If so, what is $\alpha$?
The number $r_G$ can be easily calculated in GAP, see how in Appendix together with examples. Let $c_G$ be the number of conjugacy classes of $G$.
Question 2: Is there a formula for $r_G$, or at least, is there an upper bound expressed as a function of $c_G$?
The table in Appendix reveals instances where $r_G$ exceeds $c_G^2$, for example, $G=D_7$ or $D_9$. That can happen also in the simple case as $c_{A_{19}} = 254$ while $r_{A_{19}} = 65052 > 254^2 = 64516$.
Let $\Gamma_G$ be a complete set of representatives for the conjugacy classes of $G$.
Proposition: $r_G = \sum_{a \in \Gamma_G} c_{C_G(a)}$, where $C_G(a)$ denotes the centralizer of $a$ in $G$.
Proof: It suffices to establish a bijection between $A_G$ and the set
$$ B_G := \{(a, \beta) \ | \ a \in \Gamma_G \text{ and } \beta \text{ is a conjugacy class within } C_G(a)\}. $$
Given $c(a_1,a_2) \in A_G$, we associate the element $(a_1,\{ ha_2h^{-1} \ | \ h \in C_G(a_1)\}) \in B_G$. We merely need to confirm that if $a_1 = ga_1g^{-1}$, then $a_2$ and $ga_2g^{-1}$ are conjugates in $C_G(a_1)$, which is apparent since $a_1 = ga_1g^{-1}$ means that $g \in C_G(a_1)$.
Given $(a,\beta) \in B_G$, we associate the element $c(a,b) \in A_G$, where $b \in \beta$. We only need to verify that if $b' \in \beta$, then $c(a,b') = c(a,b)$. Note that $b' = hbh^{-1}$, where $h \in C_G(a)$. Therefore, $c(a,b) = c(hah^{-1},hbh^{-1}) = c(a,b')$ because $hah^{-1} = a$, given that $h \in C_G(a)$. $\square$
Then, we can compute $r_G$ on GAP as follows:
gap> Sum(List(ConjugacyClasses(g),c->NrConjugacyClasses(Centralizer(g,Representative(c)))));
Checking that $r_G \ge p^{3/2}$ for $|G| < 610$, but false beyond:
gap> L:=[];; for i in [2..610] do o:=NrSmallGroups(i);; Print(i,"\n");; for j in [1..o] do g:=SmallGroup(i,j); F:=Factors(Order(g));; p:=F[Length(F)];; r:=Sum(List(ConjugacyClasses(g),c->NrConjugacyClasses(Centralizer(g,Representative(c)))));; if p^3 > r^2 then Print([[i,j],[p,r]],"\n");; Add(L,[i,j]);; fi; od; od; Print(L);;
[ [610,1] ]
gap> g:=SmallGroup(610,1);; #(C61 : C5) : C2
gap> Factors(610);
[ 2, 5, 61 ]
gap> Sum(List(ConjugacyClasses(g),c->NrConjugacyClasses(Centralizer(g,Representative(c)))));
sage: (log(472)/log(61)).n()
Below is a table that compares $r_G$ with $c_G$ for the alternating groups $A_n$, the dihedral groups $D_n$, and the groups $G_n := \operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$, for $n=2,\dotsc,15$:
$$ \begin{array}{c|cccccccccccccc} n & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 \\ \hline c_{A_n} & 1 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 7 & 9 & 14 & 18 & 24 & 31 & 43 & 55 & 72 & 94 \\ r_{A_n} & 1 & 9 & 14 & 22 & 44 & 74 & 160 & 256 & 462 & 817 & 1494 & 2543 & 4427 & 7699 \\ c_{D_n} & 4 & 3 & 5 & 4 & 6 & 5 & 7 & 6 & 8 & 7 & 9 & 8 & 10 & 9 \\ r_{D_n} & 16 & 8 & 22 & 16 & 32 & 28 & 46 & 44 & 64 & 64 & 86 & 88 & 112 & 116 \\ c_{G_n} & 3 & 7 & 10 & 9 & 21 & 11 & 30 & 25 & 27 & 15 & 70 & 17 & 33 & 63 \\ r_{G_n} & 8 & 42 & 84 & 74 & 336 & 114 & 864 & 618 & 592 & 218 & 3528 & 282 & 912 & 3108 \\ \end{array} $$
The sequence $(c_{A_n})$ is at A000702. We just proposed the sequence $(r_{A_n})$ at A371059.