$\DeclareMathOperator\Pr{P}\newcommand\cPr[2]{\Pr(#1 \mid #2)}$I have a $J \times J$ matrix:
M:= \begin{bmatrix}
\cPr{X=1}{Y=1} & \cPr{X=2}{Y = 1} & \cdots & \cPr{X=J}{Y = 1} \\
\cPr{X=1}{Y=2} & \ddots & & \vdots \\
\vdots & & \ddots & \vdots \\
\cPr{X=1}{Y=J} &\cdots & \cdots & \cPr{X=J}{Y=J}\end{bmatrix},
where $X$ and $Y$ are two discrete variables taking values in $\{1, \dotsc, J\}$, and $\cPr{X=j}{Y=k}$ are the conditional probabilities that $X=j$ knowing $Y=k$.
I want to find a "simple" condition (if it exists) on these conditional probabilities $\cPr x y$ under which $\det(M) \neq 0$.
When $J=2$, it is in fact very simple, we have:
$$\det(M) \neq 0 \iff \frac{\cPr{X=2}{Y=2}}{\cPr{X=1}{Y= 2}} \lessgtr \frac{\cPr{X=2}{Y=1}}{\cPr{X=1}{Y= 1}}.$$
Since the conditional probabilities sum to one for any $y$, we get that
$$\det(M) \neq 0 \iff \frac{\cPr{X=2}{Y=2}}{1-\cPr{X=2}{Y= 2}} \lessgtr \frac{\cPr{X=2}{Y=1}}{1-\cPr{X=2}{Y= 1}}.$$
And since the function $f(x) = 1/(1-x)$ is strictly increasing on $[0,1]$ where our probabilities lie, we simply get that
$$\det(M) \neq 0 \iff \cPr{X=2}{Y=2} \lessgtr \cPr{X=2}{Y=1}.$$
I'm trying to find a similar condition (but obviously more complex) under which it is true for the general case $J \times J$. I don't know if such a condition exists but I think it should exist, yet I've not been able to find it.