It has been known that given two probability distributions $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$ (let us say, they are smooth for simplicity), there is a hyperplane that divides the domain into two regions (denoted as $E_1$, $E_2$) so that these two probability distributions have the same integration on these two regions, i.e., $\int_{E_j} \mu_k(x) dx = 1/2$ for any $j, k = 1, 2$. This is basically the ham sandwich theorem.
My question is that (let us consider 2D for simplicity):
Suppose we iteratively find ham sandwich cuts (we allow e.g., curves in 2D), e.g., we apply the same process again for $E_1$ and $E_2$ separately and divide the domain into four parts, eight parts ... on which $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$ have the same integration. Can these curves/lines form streamlines of an ODE? An related vague question is that under what conditions can we ensure continuity and differentiability of these ham sandwich cuts after we iteratively find them?
I am not in the field of geometry nor topology. Any references or thoughts are appreciated and would be helpful. Thank you.