
Let $\Omega\subset \Bbb R^n$ be a $C^{2}$ domain (open and bounded) and let $p\in(1,\infty)$. Suppose $u\in W^{1,p}\cap W^{2,2}(\Omega;\Bbb R^m)$ is a weak solution to the fourth-order elliptic system $$ \Delta^2 u = -\text{div}\, F $$ in the sense that for any $\varphi\in C^\infty_c(\Omega;\Bbb R^m)$, we have $$ \int_{\Omega}\sum_{i,\alpha,\beta} (\partial_{\alpha} \partial_{\beta}u^i) (\partial_{\alpha} \partial_{\beta}\varphi^i) \,dx = \int_{\Omega}\sum_{i,\alpha} F^i_\alpha (\partial_{\alpha}\varphi^i) \,dx. $$ Here $F$ is only assumed to be in $L^{q}(\Omega;\Bbb R^{m\times n})$, where $1/p+1/q=1$.

Naively, it appears to me that we can expect $u$ to be of class $W^{3,r}_{loc}$ for some suitable $r$, at least in the interior of $\Omega$. As for the regularity up to boundary, I am even less sure about what kind of constraints are needed to guarantee sufficient regularity.

Q: What are some papers or monographs that cover this kind of topic?

For example, what kind of boundary regularity can we expect from assuming that $u|_{\partial \Omega} = \text{Tr}(w)$ for some $w\in W^{1,p}\cap W^{2,2}(\Omega;\Bbb R^m)$? Would assuming that $w\in C^1(\bar{\Omega};\Bbb R^m)$ be enough to conclude that $u \in C^1(\bar{\Omega};\Bbb R^m)$? Do we need to assume more regularity on $\partial \Omega$ or can we even drop it down to the class $C^{1,1}$?

Note that I am only interested in the regularity aspect of such a solution $u$. I won't mind if the reference doesn't mention the existence theory.

  • $\begingroup$ This is in regards to the example that you mention after your question. Perhaps I'm off the mark, but isn't it illusory to aim for $u$ more regular than its proposed boundary values? The Sobolev inequalities don't allow embedding $W^{2,2}$ inside $C^1$ in general. $\endgroup$
    – Leo Moos
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 12:27
  • $\begingroup$ @LeoMoos You are right, that was a bad example. Let me amend that a bit to reflect what I actually wanted to say. $\endgroup$
    – BigbearZzz
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 3:21
  • $\begingroup$ I'm a bit surprised this can't be found in the literature on biharmonic maps; perhaps you could explain where the literature falls short? For example, concerning interior regularity there is a paper of Chang-Wang-Yang entitled 'A regularity theory for biharmonic maps' that states the bound $\lvert w \rvert_{3,q} \leq C \lvert F \rvert_{0,q}$, at least when $w = 0$ and $\partial_\nu w = 0$ on the boundary. $\endgroup$
    – Leo Moos
    Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 13:03


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