I was trying to solve the following integral: $$I = \oint _{|z|=1}\frac{dz}{2 \pi i z}\int_{0}^{\infty} dr \dfrac{e^{-\tfrac{r^2}{z^2}}r^{2n+1}}{z^2(z-1)} $$
- The singular structure in the $z$ integral is coming from the $z= 0$ and $z = 1$ points.
- From the term $ e^{-\tfrac{r^2}{z^2}}$, the integral over $r$ is giving a divergent contribution for $\tfrac{\pi}{4} \leq \mathop{\mathrm{Arg}}(z) \leq \tfrac{3\pi}{4} \; \; \& \; \; \tfrac{5 \pi}{4} \leq \mathop{\mathrm{Arg}}(z) \leq \tfrac{7\pi}{4} $
My question is, can we somehow give some argument like analytic continuation or modify the contour so that we can assign some convergent value to $I$?