$\DeclareMathOperator\U{U}\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$I'm trying to read the physics paper Two Dimensional QCD as a String Theory. I'm struggling with my ignorance about some computational aspects regarding Lie algebras.
Section 2.3 of the aforementioned paper states:
The representations of $\U(N)$ are labeled by the Young diagrams, with $m$ ($m\leq N$) boxes of length $n_{1}\geq n_{2} \geq \dotsb n_{m} \geq 0$. Such a representation $R$ has dimensions $d_{R}$ and Casimirs $C_{2}^{\U(N)}(R)$ given by \begin{gather*} C_{2}^{\U(N)}(R)=N\sum_{i=1}^{m}n_{i} + \sum_{i=1}^{m}n_{i}(n_{i}+1-2i); \\ d_{R}=\frac{\Delta(h)}{\Delta(h^{0})}, \\ \Delta(h)=\prod_{1\leq j \leq N}(h_{i}-h_{j}), h_{i}=N+n_{i}-1, h_{i}^{0}=N-i. \end{gather*}
Clarification: The statement "$C_{2}^{\U(N)}(R)$ are Casimirs of the group" does not make sense because of the fact that the quadratic Casimir element $C_{2}$ of $\U(N)$ is by definition a bilinear form on the universal enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of $\U(N)$ and the $C_{2}$ shown in the paper is a number. I suppose that what the author write as $C_{2}^{\U(N)}(R)$ is the eigenvalue of $C_{2}^{\U(N)}$ associated to the representation $R$ labeled by the partition $(n_{1},\dotsc,n_{m})$.
The question:
I'm asking for your kind help to identify some references where I can learn how to derive the formulas from above and possibly for other cases such as $\SU(N)$, $\SO(N)$ or some symplectic groups if possible.
I'd even be happy if someone could recommend a physical derivation of the formulas.