So I accept the answer of Iosif Pinelis, but it turns out I don't need the exact result now. I will post some backstory, and then the reason I don't need it now.
Thanks to MathOverflow user Daniel.W, and his question (360323) on strengthening Sylvester's theorem, I've been motivated to read the paper On Arithmetical Series. I approached it after a hint from Emil Jerabek to look at the thesis of Alan Woods. The thesis contained a write-up of Sylvester's method that I finally understood, and this allowed me to try to understand some of the proof in the 1892 paper.
A different version appears in a 1929 paper of Schur (which I have yet to find) and a (mostly) combinatorial one in a paper of Erdos in 1934. However, the arguments are still involved, and the Erdos paper leaves a lot of finitely many exceptions to be explored to yield a full proof.
After looking at the basic relation in Sylvester's paper, I (re-)discovered a result that allowed one to show that there was a number in (m,m+,n] with a prime factor greater than n whenever 4m was at least as big as n^2. This was heartening since previously I could only show it for m bigger than exponential in n. This in turn allowed me to discover a method which involved the quantity in the question above, and simple arguments showed that m only needed to be bigger than a small constant times n. (Iosif's argument and some additional computation shows the small constant is 3.). I then was going to attempt a third method to bridge the remaining gap which is for all m at least n. All of this was then going to be retooled to answer the motivating MathOverflow question.
After seeing Iosif's argument and thinking on simplifying the motivating argument, I found it. Here it is.
Write the product of the integers in (m,m+n] as P=(m+1)...(m+n). Rewrite as W(n!)L, where W are the prime factors of P/(n!) which are at most n gathered together, and L is the product of all the prime factors larger than n.
A key observation of Sylvester, (which I invite the reader to prove) is that W is at most (and for n bigger than 7, strictly less than) (m+n-p+1)...(m+n), where p is $\pi(n)$. This is because W is the product of p distinct prime powers, each one dividing a term of P (and usually different powers divide different terms, we suffer no loss in assuming this).
So if (m,m+n] has only n-smooth numbers, then L=1 and n! Is bigger (not necessarily strictly) than (m+1)...(m+n-p). The literature now expends a lot of effort to show how small m is, and Sylvester himself resorts to existence of primes in (m, 3m/2] to complete his argument. There is an easier way, however.
Write m=jn+i for i non negative. Then rewrite W(n!) = P by dividing out W and dividing out terms in the factorial larger than p. We get p! greater than j^(n-p), if P is n-smooth.
But we can argue with Chebyshev estimates to get j less than 6, and if we are as thorough as Iosif we can get j less than 3 with a small amount of computation needed. I need to perform this step but I believe p less than 50 should be more than sufficient.
So when the dust settles, we have reduced a large portion of Sylvester's argument to showing log(p!) Is less than n-p, using nothing more than grade school arithmetic and Sylvester's observation on W. With care we get that (m,m+n] has a multiple of a prime greater than n when m is at least 3n or greater. If need be, we can turn to the Erdos proof to handle m smaller than 3n.
However, there is more. The motivating question asks for two distinct numbers in the interval which have prime factors bigger than n. We now let L be a product of d many candidates for fixed d of members of (m,m+n]. We now are comparing log(p!) to n-p-d, and we will get the same bound on j, although this bound may start holding for larger m only.
Given the amount of time I spent reading these proofs, I'm surprised not to find this observation (that j is less than 3) is in the literature. We can use this observation, Chebyshev estimates, and work of Nagura or earlier to answer the motivating question affirmatively. That C=18 for two numbers hasn't been proved yet.
Gerhard "Is Confident It Will Be" Paseman, 2020.05.31.