As pointed out in the question, we have that
which can be derived by showing that on both the RHS and the LHS the coefficient of $x^k$ is equal to
$$\sum_{\substack{S\subseteq \{p<Q\} \\ |S|=k}} \left(\prod_{p\in S}\frac{1}{p}\right)\left(\prod_{p\not\in S}\left(1-\frac{1}{p}\right) \right)$$
Treating the LHS with simple manipulation we get that
We now note that
$$\sum_{p<Q}\left(\log\left(\frac{x-1}{p}+1\right)-\frac{x-1}{p}\right)=\sum_{p}\left(\log\left(\frac{x-1}{p}+1\right)-\frac{x-1}{p}\right)-\sum_{p\geq Q}\left(\log\left(\frac{x-1}{p}+1\right)-\frac{x-1}{p}\right)$$
and thus we can set
$$g(x)=\sum_{p\geq Q}\left(\log\left(\frac{x-1}{p}+1\right)-\frac{x-1}{p}\right)$$
Morally, we can think of $g(x)$ as the "error" as $Q\to\infty$ which we must show is inconsequential. We thus get that
By Merten's theorem, we have that
&=(x-1)\log(\log(Q))+Mx+\epsilon_Q x-M-\epsilon_Q\tag{3}
where $\epsilon_Q\to 0$ and $M$ is the Meissel-Mertens constant. Substituting (2) and (3) into (1) we get that
\prod_{p<Q}\left(\frac{x}{p}+1-\frac{1}{p}\right)&=\exp\left((x-1)\log(\log(Q))+Mx+\epsilon_Q x-M-\epsilon_Q+f_1(x)-g(x)\right)\\
For simplicity's sake, we now define
and thus
Taking the derivative $k$ times yields
As $Q\to\infty$, the only term that will matter in a product rule decomposition of this equation is the one that grows the fastest. It is easy to show that
for any order derivative $(n)$, and so the fastest growing term is the one where $\log^{(x-1)}(Q)$ is differentiated the full $k$ times. Since there are finitely many terms the others are inconsequential in terms of growth and so
evaluating at $x=0$ and substituting into (4) yields that
\left.\frac{d^k}{dx^k}\prod_{p<Q}\left(\frac{x}{p}+1-\frac{1}{p}\right)\right|_{x=0}\sim e^{-M-\epsilon_Q}f_2(0)e^{-g(0)}\frac{\log^k(\log(Q))}{\log(Q)}
As $Q\to\infty$ we have that $g(0)\to0$ and $f_2(0)=e^{M-\gamma}$ and so
\left.\frac{d^k}{dx^k}\prod_{p<Q}\left(\frac{x}{p}+1-\frac{1}{p}\right)\right|_{x=0}\sim e^{-\gamma}\frac{\log^k(\log(Q))}{\log(Q)}\tag{5}
We also see that
\left.\frac{d^k}{dx^k}\prod_{p<Q}\left(\frac{x}{p}+1-\frac{1}{p}\right)\right|_{x=0}&=\left.\frac{d^k}{dx^k}\sum_{j=0}^{\pi(Q)} \mathrm{Pr}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}[\omega_Q(n)=j]x^j\right|_{x=0}\\
and thus we conclude from (5) that
$$\mathrm{Pr}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}[\omega_Q(n)=k]\sim e^{-\gamma}\frac{\log^k(\log(Q))}{\log(Q) k!}$$
which is the desired result