I'm wondering whether there exists a generalisation of Bochner integration with values in a Hilbert $A$-module $M$, where $A$ is a general $C^*$-algebra rather than $\mathbb{C}$ (and whether there are notes out there on this). When $A=\mathbb{C}$, one knows that if $(S,\mu)$ is a measure space and $f:S\rightarrow H$ is a Bochner-integrable function with values in $H$, then the identity
$$\langle x,\,\int_S f(s)\,d\mu(s)\rangle = \int_S\langle x,\, f(s)\rangle\,d\mu(s),$$
is satisfied for all $x\in H$.
Does there exist an integration theory for more general $A$ that still has this property? That is, if $(S,\mu)$ is a measure space and $f:S\rightarrow M$ is an integrable function in the sense of this theory, then is it true that
$$\langle x,\,\int_S f(s)\,d\mu(s)\rangle = \int_S\langle x,\, f(s)\rangle\,d\mu(s),$$
for all $x\in M$?