This question is motivated by another question on math.stackexchange.
From a function $g:X^k\to X$ it is possible to define an iterated function system on $X^k$ with the function $f:X^k\to X^k$ defined by
$$f(x) = (g(x), x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_{k - 1}).$$
Iterates of $f$ are given by
$$f^n = f f^{n - 1} = (g f^{n - 1}, f^{n - 1}_1, \ldots, f^{n - 1}_{k - 1})$$
and when $n > k$ an exercise in tedious definition chasing yields
$$f^n = (g f^{n - 1}, g f^{n - 2}, \ldots, g f^{n - k}).$$
The linked question describes such a system where, $X = B(z, r)$, an open ball in $\mathbb{C}$, $k = 2$, and $g(x) = (\alpha + x_1)/(1 + x_2)$.
My question is:
Is there literature available describing these types of iterated function systems?
I wonder if these systems have a name. I have not had much luck trying to describe them to google.
In the special case where $k = 1$ these are just "normal" iterated function systems and there is a plethora of literature describing techniques for analyzing their dynamics; however it is not clear to me which tools I can justifiably bring to bear when the next point in the iteration depends on the current point and several previous points.