A well-known theorem by Varadhan relates the logarithm of the heat kernel on a manifold and the geodesic distance function. In particular, if $d(x,y)$ is geodesic distance from $x$ to $y$ and $p(t,x,y)$ is the heat kernel, his theorem shows $$\lim_{t\rightarrow0} -2t\log p(t,x,y)=d(x,y)^2.$$ In other words, you can recover geodesic distance from short-time behavior of the heat kernel.
My question is: Can we say anything about the function $-2t\log p(t,x,y)$ when $t>0$ is fixed?
For instance: Can it satisfy the triangle inequality (approximately)? How does it relate to $d$ or the geometry of the surface? Is it concave or convex? Can we say anything about its critical points?