
I would like to find a reference for the proof that functions of bounded variation make a Banach algebra. Same question for $BV\cap L^\infty$.

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ The norm inequality $\|f\|_{bv} \cdot \|g\|_{bv} \ge \|f\cdot g \|_{bv}$ is Proposition 13.12 in Carother's Real Analysis book. $\endgroup$ Dec 10, 2013 at 3:42

2 Answers 2


For the first part: wikipedia has a proof. So, I am just posting the link here.


For the second part: are you considering functions of bounded variation on some interval? If so, then such a function can be written as the difference of two non decreasing functions, and hence is in $L^\infty$. So, this is answered by the first case.


Since you ask for references, there are two readily traceable articles on algebras of functions of bounded variation in Manuacripta Mathematica by Blümlinger and Tichy.


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