Let $A$ be the algebra of all bounded functions from $[0,\;1]$ to $\mathbb{C}$.
For $f\in A,\;$ $\omega_{f}$ is the standard oscillation function.. Each of the following two (equivalent) norms on $A$, defines a Banach algebra structure on $A$.
$$\parallel f \parallel=\parallel f\parallel_{\infty}+ \parallel \omega_{f}\parallel_{\infty}$$ or $$\parallel f \parallel=\parallel f\parallel_{\infty}+ \int_{[0,\;1]} \omega_{f}(x)dx$$ The later is well defined, since the oscillation function is a bounded measurable function.
Let $X$ be the Gelfand spectrum of $A$. What is the topological structure of this compact nonmetrizable disconnected Haussdorf space, precisely ? Is it homeomorphic to a known space?
Assume that $B$ and $C$ are two $C^{*}$-algebras which are embedded isometrically into $A$. Must their $C^{*}$-tensor product be embedded in $A$, too?
Is there a $C^{*}$-norm on $A$ which is equivalent to the above norms? In particular is $A$, semi-simple?