In the paper, the author proves that proves an explicit inequality on prime numbers using the gamma function and as a corollary, he showed that.
$$ p_n = n \frac{\Gamma'(n)}{\Gamma(n)} + o(n \ln n). $$
I obtained a stronger form of this result namely
$$ p_n = n \ln \frac{\Gamma'(n)}{\Gamma(n-1)} + O\Big(\frac{n\ln\ln n}{\ln n}\Big). $$
The gamma function seems to beautifully approximate $p_n$. To get the same error term using the regular Cipolla's asymptotic expansion of the $p_n$ we would need three terms.
Can someone explain why the gamma function approximated the n-th prime so nicely? Is this a coincidence or is there some underlying phenomenon governing this result that can shed some new light distribution of prime numbers.