I am making a tree using the following two functions:
$$f(x)=\frac{x}{r},\quad g(x)=\frac{x+b}{r}$$
where $1<r<2$ and $0<b$ are rationals. Everything is a real number here.
The starting point is $x=0$. From here, we will compute $f(0)$ and $g(0)$ which will be the branches of $x=0$. We keep on repeating this process by composing the functions in every possible combination, e.g. $f(f(0))$ and $g(f(0))$ will be the branches of $f(0)$, and $f(g(0))$ and $g(g(0))$ will be the branches of $g(0)$, and so on. If we repeat this process $n$ times, we have $2^n$ branches.
My question is, will these tree branches eventually cover all rational numbers in a certain range?
Some headway
Intuitively, when $0<x<\frac{b}{r-1}$, $f(x)$ decreases $x$, whereas $g(x)$ increases $x$, i.e. $f(x)<x$ and $g(x)>x$.
Also, let's not consider all the branches off of $f(0)$, since $f(0)=0$ (it's the same as the starting point $x=0$.) Therefore the real branching starts at the point $g(0)=b/r$.
Now let's consider the branch path where we keep on applying $g(\cdot)$. The $n$ number of compositions would be
$$ b\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{1}{r^i}$$
which converges to $\frac{b}{r-1}$ as $n\rightarrow \infty$. Therefore, the extremities of the tree are $0$ and $\frac{b}{r-1}$, which sets the range.
I guess a related or sub-question is: can there even be branches that have the same value?