By request, some expansion of my easy comment. Given normed spaces $E,F$ and $\newcommand{\mc}{\mathcal}u\in E\otimes F$ write $\pi(u; E\otimes F)$ for the projective norm of $u$ in $E\otimes F$.
The question asks if there is a crossnorm $\|\cdot\|$ on $\mc B(\mc H)\otimes M_n$ with
$$ \|u\| = \pi(u; \mc A\otimes M_n) \qquad (u\in\mc A\otimes M_n). $$
However, we know two things:
- $\|u \| \leq \pi(u; \mc B(\mc H)\otimes M_n)$ for any $u\in\mc B(\mc H)\otimes M_n$ because $\pi$ is the greatest crossnorm;
- $\pi(u; \mc B(\mc H)\otimes M_n) \leq \pi(u; \mc A\otimes M_n)$ by definition of the projective norm.
Putting these together gives
$$ \pi(u; \mc A\otimes M_n) = \|u\| \leq \pi(u; \mc B(\mc H)\otimes M_n)
\leq \pi(u; \mc A\otimes M_n) $$
for each $u\in\mc A\otimes M_n$. So we have equality throughout, meaning:
- $\|\cdot\| = \pi(\cdot; \mc B(\mc H)\otimes M_n)$ on $\mc A\otimes M_n$;
- So the original question has a positive answer exactly when $\pi(u; \mc B(\mc H)\otimes M_n) = \pi(u; \mc A\otimes M_n)$ for all $u$.
That is, maybe there is some choice in $\|\cdot\|$ but that choice is unimportant, because if any crossnorm will work, the projective norm will work.