Let $G$ be a locally compact group. Consider the left regular representation $\lambda$ over $L^2(G)$. Then according to Eymard, Fourier algebra of $G$, $A(G)$ is the set of all coefficients of $\lambda$, i.e. $A(G) = \{\lambda_{x,y} : x,y \in L^2(G)\}$ where, $\lambda_{x,y}(g) = \langle \lambda(g)x,y\rangle$. From the definition of $\lambda$, we have $A(G) \subset C(G,\Bbb{C})$. Since $G$ is completely regular, we can separate disjoint compact sets with continuous functions. Does $A(G)$ separate disjoint compact sets too?
EDIT by YC: this question has also been posed at MSE https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1745237/does-fourier-algebra-of-locally-compact-group-separate-compact-sets-of-the-group