I've been dealing with the following situation:
Let $R\subseteq S$ be an extension of Dedekind rings, where $Quot(R)=:L \subseteq E:=Quot(S)$ is a $G$-Galois extension. Let $\mathfrak{p}$ be a prime of $R$, and $\mathfrak{q}$ a primes of $S$ above $\mathfrak{p}$. Let $D_{\mathfrak{q}}$ denote the decomposition group, and $I_{\mathfrak{q}}$ the inertia group, of $\mathfrak{q}$ over $\mathfrak{p}$.
However, unlike in the classic case, I allow the residue fields of $\mathfrak{p}$ to be infinite, with positive characteristic. So the extension of residue fields may be inseparable.
It seems that the paper I'm reading implicitly assumes:
$|I_{\mathfrak{q}}|=e[\kappa(\mathfrak{q}):\kappa(\mathfrak{p})]_ i $ (the ramification index times the inseparability degree of the residue extension)
$|G|=re[\kappa(\mathfrak{q}):\kappa(\mathfrak{p})]$ (where $r$ is the number of primes above $\mathfrak{p}$)
Is that right? I keep hitting walls when I try to prove it.