Let $p$ be a prime. The minimal ramification problem is to ask whether or not every finite $p$-group $G$ can be realized as the Galois group of a tamely ramified extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ with exactly $r(G)$ ramified primes where $r(G)$ is the minimal number of generators of $G$. This problem has an affirmative solution for some family of $p$-groups, e.g. all Sylow $p$-subgroups of the symmetric group and of the classical groups over finite fields of characteristic prime to $p$, cf. On the minimal ramification problem for ℓ-groups by Hershy Kisilevsky and Jack Sonn. In general, it's still open.
I'm interested in the following refined quesiton: Let $ p $ be an odd prime. Is there a finite Galois extension $ L $ of $ \mathbb{Q} $ such that
- the Galois group $ G:=\text{Gal}(L/\mathbb{Q}) $ is a finite $ p $-group with order $ |G|> p^{9} $;
- the extension $ K/\mathbb{Q} $ is ramified at exactly $ 3 $ primes $ q_{1},q_{2},q_{3} $ where $ q_{i}\equiv 1~\text{mod}~p $ but $ q_{i}\not \equiv 1~\text{mod}~p^{2} $ for $ i=1,2,3 $?
Note that $L/\mathbb{Q}$ is tamely ramified at $q_1,q_2,q_3$ if and only if $ q_{i}\equiv 1~\text{mod}~p $. Moreover, the condition that "$ q_{i}\not \equiv 1~\text{mod}~p^{2} $" is essential here. Without this condition, the answer to question is Yes from the known case of the minimal ramification problem as above.