There is a Jordan-like canonical form for symmetric matrix pairs $(A,B) = (A^*,B^*) \in \mathbb{C}^{n\times n} \times \mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$ under the transformation $(A,B) \to (M^*AM,M^*BM)$, with $M$ square invertible. You can find it stated, for instance, in Lemma~3 of Thompson's paper . This canonical form is known today as even Kronecker canonical form (in a slightly different variant when $B$ is anti-Hermitian, but you can just multiply $B \gets iB$ to fix this).
Note that if you are interested in a canonical form under that transformation the requirement that $A$ is diagonal becomes superfluous, because you can always reduce to that case with another transformation of the same kind.
Each block in this canonical form determines a polynomial factor of $\det(A+tB)$, apart from type IV which is present only in pairs for which $\det(A+tB)\equiv 0$. So you just need to check which blocks correspond to factors that have no real zeros to find a complete characterization of these matrix pairs in terms of their blocks. If I am not mistaken, the allowed blocks are those of type II and III.