Let $1<p<\infty$ and $f_n$ be a sequence in $L^p(S^1)$ that converges weakly to some $f$. Here $S^1$ is the circle so we are dealing with periodic functions.
Let us see if $| f_n |^p - | f |^p - | f_n-f |^p$ converges to zero in distribution sense. This means that for every smooth function $\phi$ on $S^1$, $\int_{S^1}(| f_n |^p - | f |^p - | f_n-f |^p)\phi$ goes to $0$.
Of course this is false because we can think of $f_k(x)=1+sin(kx)$.
Now, what if we impose another condition that $f_k$ converges almost everywhere to $f$? I encountered this issue while studying calculus of variations and it seems much deeper than I thought. Is there any theorem or result for this problem?