
Let $$(a_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} = (1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12,16,18,\cdots)$$ be a sequence that is a listing of the set $$\{2^n3^m \mid m,n \in \mathbb{N}\}$$ We need to find an irrational number $\alpha$ such that $(a_n)\alpha\pmod1$ is not equidistributed.

I have a rough idea about it. I think that it may be related to normal number base $2$ and normal number base $3,$ because we know that let $x \in [0,1]$, then $x$ is normal in base $2$ if and only if $2^n x \bmod 1$ is equidistributed. And same arguments work for numbers normal in base $3$. But I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Could anyone help me?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ How confident are you such a number exists? I don't have reason to doubt it but don't know any results which would guarantee it. $\endgroup$
    – Wojowu
    Commented Nov 5, 2023 at 17:12
  • $\begingroup$ @Wojowu I'm pretty confident that such a number exists, because no theorem guarantees that $(a_{n}) \alpha$ must be equidistributed, we only know that $(a_{n}) \alpha$ is dense on $[0,1]$. And I think that a number which is normal on a specific base might kill it. $\endgroup$
    – Miranda
    Commented Nov 5, 2023 at 17:20
  • $\begingroup$ +1. I think any question that gets a follow-up question by a 100k rep user deserves more upvotes. $\endgroup$
    – R.P.
    Commented Nov 9, 2023 at 10:32

2 Answers 2


$\alpha =\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{ 6^{100^n}}$ should do the trick. A positive proportion of numbers on your list are of the form $2^a 3^b$ for $a,b$ within a reasonable constant factor of each other (since a positive fraction of solutions to the equation $a \log 2+ b \log 3 < X$ have this property for large $X$ by plane geometry). Such numbers multiplied by $\alpha$ will send the first few terms to multiples of $1$ and send all remaining terms to something tiny, and so will (modulo $1$) be concentrated close to $0$. Since a positive proportion of $n$ have $a_n \alpha$ mod $1$ within an arbitrarily small range of $0$, the sequence cannot be equidistributed.


We may take


where $f(n)$ is any nonperiodic function.

The prime numbers $2$ and $3$ are both quadratic residues $\bmod 73$, hence products of powers of these primes will be so, also. So the numbers $(\alpha)(2^m3^n)$ will have nonuniformly distributed digits, leading to nonuniformly distributed values $\bmod 1$.

As an example, if we take $f(n)=n^2$ and sample $441$ numbers of the form $(\alpha)(2^m3^n)$ for $m,n$ from $0$ through $20$* (* -- MS Excel gives spurious zeroes due to roundoff error if we exceed $20$), we find $60$ between $0.0$ and $0.1\bmod 1$ and $54$ betwewn $0.9$ and $1.0$, with most of the other tenths between $35$ and $45$. We identify a peak in the distribution around $0.0$.

  • $\begingroup$ Surely you don't mean nonperiodic? Every irrational number arises this way by writing it in base 73 and choosing $f(n)$ to repeat $n$ a number of times equal to the $n$th digit. Even with some other criterion on $f(n)$, it's not clear to me how this argument handles carried digits. $\endgroup$
    – Will Sawin
    Commented Nov 5, 2023 at 23:40
  • $\begingroup$ What happens is the duguts shift with carrying but the differences between the quadratic residues remains. We shoukd still get nonuniformity. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 6, 2023 at 0:02
  • $\begingroup$ I don't see why there should be a connection between quadratic residues and nonuniformity of distribution. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 9, 2023 at 6:05

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