I asked this question on MSE but didn't get any response, so I'm asking here. I apologize in advance if this question is not research level.
A Fermat Curve of degree $n$ is the set of solutions to $x^n+y^n=z^n$, $x,y,z\in \mathbb R$. In this question, the OP provides a substitution which relates a Fermat Curve of degree $n=3,4$ to two different elliptic curves. To transform the Fermat Curve of degree $3$, the substitutions $$ a=\frac{12z}{x+y},\quad b=\frac{36(x-y)}{x+y} $$ produce $b^2=a^3-432$, an elliptic curve. Similarly for the Fermat Curve of degree $4$, the substitutions $$ a=\frac{2(y^2+z^2)}{x^2},\quad b=\frac{4y(y^2+z^2)}{x^3} $$ give $b^2=a^3-4a$. However, the substitutions used are not at all obvious, which leads me to wonder,
Is there a similar substitution which can relate a Fermat curve of arbitrary degree to an elliptic curve?
This is equivalent to asking whether there is always a nonconstant morphism from a Fermat curve to an elliptic curve.
Thank you in advance!