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John Rognes's user avatar
John Rognes
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
9 votes

Homology exponents for $QX$

9 votes

Is the mapping cylinder of a Serre fibration also a Serre fibration?

9 votes

Infinite loop space maps into or out of BAut(F_n)

9 votes

Explicit $BP_*BP$-comodule structure on $BP_*\mathbb{C}P^n$ and $BP_*\mathbb{C}P^{\infty}$

9 votes

Does every map $K(\mathbb{Z}, n) \to K(\mathbb{Z}/m, n + k)$ factor through $K(\mathbb{Z}/m, n)$?

8 votes

What is the topological Hochschild cohomology of $\mathbb{F}_p$?

8 votes

Good reference for topological Hochschild homology

8 votes

Third differential in the homology AHSS

8 votes

Homotopy fixed points of complex conjugation on $BU(n)$

8 votes

Detection of stable homotopy by K-theory spectra

8 votes

How to compute the cohomology of the general linear group with integral entries

8 votes

Spectral sequences and short exact sequences

8 votes

$BP$-Adams Novikov Spectral Sequence or Homotopy groups of $S/3$

7 votes

What are the naive fixed points of a non-naive smash product of a spectrum with itself?

7 votes

The complex $K$-theory of the Thom spectrum $MU$

7 votes

string bordism group and framed bordism group for $d \leq 6$ and $d \geq 7$

7 votes

Waldhausen $K$-theory for $G$-spaces

7 votes

Homotopy in Teichmüller space definition: to be or not to be? That is the question

7 votes

Are these two notions of "dualizable" spectra equivalent?

7 votes

Is the following map a cofibration?

7 votes

Getting the most general form of Mayer-Vietoris from the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms

7 votes

Splitting of $H\mathbb{Z}$-module spectra

7 votes

Finite complexes which are not Thom spectra

7 votes

specific modules over the Steenrod algebra with one generator

7 votes

Generalization of Hopf invariant

6 votes

Conditionally convergent spectral sequences with exiting and entering differentials

6 votes

Non-zero homotopy/homology in diffeomorphism groups

6 votes

Stable summands of $\Omega^kS^{n+k}$

6 votes

Map between homotopy groups of O, related to J-homomorphism and K-theory of Z

6 votes

Can any suspension spectrum be realized as Waldhausen K-theory?