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varkor's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

Enrichment as extra structure on a category

7 votes

Dependent sum/product and the base-change functor adjunctions

7 votes

Notion of $\kappa$-sifted categories?

6 votes

What are the internal adjunctions in the bicategory $\mathsf{Span}$?

6 votes

Reference request: Algebras over monoid objects in a monoidal category

6 votes

What functors between categories of algebras are induced by morphisms of monads on $\mathrm{Set}$?

6 votes

A multicategory is a ... with one object?

6 votes

Kan extensions inside a monoidal category

5 votes

Strongly compact categories (reference request)

5 votes

Is there a "duality involution" on presentable categories?

5 votes

Equivalent parallel pair of $j$-morphisms

5 votes

Is the ultraproduct concept fundamentally category-theoretic?

5 votes

Has the "Lambek embedding" into the category of (co)product-preserving presheaves been studied very much?

5 votes

Is this kind of functor $\mathsf{Set}/M×\mathsf{Set}/M\to \mathsf{Set}/M$, with $M$ a monoid, a known construction?

5 votes

Literature about the category of finitary monads

5 votes

Internal $2$-categories

4 votes

When is an object determined by the number of maps from the other objects?

4 votes

Ends and coends – analogues for higher arity – Horn Filling

4 votes

Limits and colimits in the category of algebraic theories

4 votes

Reference Request: Comprehension for multicategories

4 votes

Profunctors and multicategories

4 votes

Categorical semantics of universe levels in dependent type theory

4 votes

Pseudo-morphisms in essentially algebraic theories

4 votes

Adjoining extensions in bicategories

4 votes

Being (co)cartesian as a property (rather than structure) of a plain monoidal category

4 votes

Adjoints to change of base Functors

3 votes

Strictification for closed monoidal categories

3 votes

Which categories are injective with respect to fully faithful functors?

3 votes

Characterisation of essentially algebraic theories as monads

3 votes

Slice category over Set