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Reference request: Kleiman's proof of Snapper's Lemma

Note that Nitsure's paper is part of the book FGA Explained. There is a proof of Snapper's lemma in Theorem B.7 of Appendix B ("Basic intersection theory" by Kleiman) in the same book. ...
R. van Dobben de Bruyn's user avatar
5 votes

Reference request: Kleiman's proof of Snapper's Lemma

A proof by Kleiman can be found in ‘‘Toward a Numerical Theory of Ampleness’’. I suspect it's the intended proof, although the paper is from around 30 years before the cited 1994 preprint.
Geva Yashfe's user avatar
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The weight of a weighted filtration is given (for large $m$) by a polynomial

I'm aware this is an old question, but I'm answering it for the benefit of anyone who comes across this question in the future. There are not one but two proofs of this result in the paper Uniform $K$-...
G Cooper's user avatar

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