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Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

0 votes

Porbability of selecting balls from boxes

Well, this looks more like someone trying to get their homework done, but for the first part: $ p = 0.2 * \frac{3}{3+7} + 0.2 * \frac{5}{5+5} + 0.6 * \frac{2}{2+8}$ $ p = 0.06 + 0.10 + 0.12 $ $ p = …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
2 votes

Random walk on a two-dimensional uniform grid

The question as proposed is more like a random walk on a $C_{n+1}$, the cycle graph of size $n+1$, rather than a 1-dimensional random walk on $\mathbb{Z}^1$. This is because of the wrap-around condit …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
1 vote

Is ERNIE output skewed by statistical tests?

Yes. In the same way that flipping a fair coin (with equal probabilities of getting heads of tails) eight times in a row is likely to come up all heads 1/256 times, or all tails 1/256 times. The psy …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
0 votes

How is a permutation taken as an equivalent of a hash function in MinWise independent permut...

A permutation is the equivalent of an unbiased "good" hash function because it has even distribution. Since a permutation maps (1,2,...,n) $\to$ permuted-list-of(1,2,..., n), if the original set $A$ …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
1 vote

Elo Rating System Help with the Maths around number of matches

My answers and my opinions. This is not the correct use of Elo. Elo requires something with a transitive property that holds over the ordinality of the elements of the set. A subjective rating suc …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
0 votes

Recommended book for introduction to Chaotic dynamics? (application in probability distribut...

Here's a quick on-line find of a page about population dynamics and chaos in insects: It's by a theoretical biologist, Alexei Sharov, at the …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
5 votes

Shortest grid-graph paths with random diagonal shortcuts

For an $n \times n$ grid, the probability of finding a path of length $n\sqrt{2}$ is $1/2^n = 2^{-n}$. For a grid of size $(n,0)$ or $(0,n)$, the expected path length is $n$ with probability $p=1$. L …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
4 votes

When do 3D random walks return to their origin?

Are you talking about fixed biases? If the bias is not a fixed value like the matrices in $n$-dimensions I described above, you could have the probabilities be a function of their location in the $\m …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
3 votes

Iterated Circumcircle

This is also similar to a different technique for generating the Sierpinski Triangle through an iterated method which neither converges nor diverges but chaotically stays in a particular set. Given a …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
3 votes

Probability theory and measuring the true strength of chessplayers

David, your question makes the assumption that players will stochastically pick a move in the current possible set of branches, and does not say anything about the current depth of the tree. I believ …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
1 vote

Probability of system failure in a distributed network

Instead of summing from $b$ to $rb$ and calculating the probability of finding the file, why not decrease the number of possibilities to consider by summing from $0$ to $b-1$ and calculating the proba …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar
1 vote

A random walk on random lines

For your specific example, starting at one of the points on the equilateral triangle $abc$ composed of the segments between pairs of the intersection points of the lines $A$, $B$, and $C$, with no lin …
sleepless in beantown's user avatar