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Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.
Porbability of selecting balls from boxes
Well, this looks more like someone trying to get their homework done, but for the first part:
$ p = 0.2 * \frac{3}{3+7} + 0.2 * \frac{5}{5+5} + 0.6 * \frac{2}{2+8}$
$ p = 0.06 + 0.10 + 0.12 $
$ p = …
Random walk on a two-dimensional uniform grid
The question as proposed is more like a random walk on a $C_{n+1}$, the cycle graph of size $n+1$, rather than a 1-dimensional random walk on $\mathbb{Z}^1$. This is because of the wrap-around condit …
Is ERNIE output skewed by statistical tests?
Yes. In the same way that flipping a fair coin (with equal probabilities of getting heads of tails) eight times in a row is likely to come up all heads 1/256 times, or all tails 1/256 times. The psy …
How is a permutation taken as an equivalent of a hash function in MinWise independent permut...
A permutation is the equivalent of an unbiased "good" hash function because it has even distribution. Since a permutation maps (1,2,...,n) $\to$ permuted-list-of(1,2,..., n), if the original set $A$ …
Elo Rating System Help with the Maths around number of matches
My answers and my opinions.
This is not the correct use of Elo. Elo requires something with a transitive property that holds over the ordinality of the elements of the set. A subjective rating suc …
Recommended book for introduction to Chaotic dynamics? (application in probability distribut...
Here's a quick on-line find of a page about population dynamics and chaos in insects:
It's by a theoretical biologist, Alexei Sharov, at the …
Shortest grid-graph paths with random diagonal shortcuts
For an $n \times n$ grid, the probability of finding a path of length $n\sqrt{2}$ is $1/2^n = 2^{-n}$.
For a grid of size $(n,0)$ or $(0,n)$, the expected path length is $n$ with probability $p=1$. L …
When do 3D random walks return to their origin?
Are you talking about fixed biases?
If the bias is not a fixed value like the matrices in $n$-dimensions I described above, you could have the probabilities be a function of their location in the $\m …
Iterated Circumcircle
This is also similar to a different technique for generating the Sierpinski Triangle through an iterated method which neither converges nor diverges but chaotically stays in a particular set.
Given a …
Probability theory and measuring the true strength of chessplayers
David, your question makes the assumption that players will stochastically pick a move in the current possible set of branches, and does not say anything about the current depth of the tree. I believ …
Probability of system failure in a distributed network
Instead of summing from $b$ to $rb$ and calculating the probability of finding the file, why not decrease the number of possibilities to consider by summing from $0$ to $b-1$ and calculating the proba …
A random walk on random lines
For your specific example, starting at one of the points on the equilateral triangle $abc$ composed of the segments between pairs of the intersection points of the lines $A$, $B$, and $C$, with no lin …