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Knot theory is dealing with embedding of curves in manifolds of dimension 3. A knot is a single circle embedded in the affine space of dimension 3 as a smooth curve not crossing itself. Many knot invariants are known and can be used to distinguish knots.

3 votes

Knot polynomials: Skein>Matrix>Group?

The Kauffman 2-variable knot polynomial probably can't be obtained from a quantum group if by this you mean the usual q-deformed universal enveloping algebras. If your two variables are $(r,q)$ and $ …
Eric Rowell's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

complexity of counting homomorphisms

This is a question I have thought about and asked a number of people, but have never got an answer beyond "It should be true that..." Given a finitely generated group $G$ (eg. a link group $G_L:=\pi_ …
Eric Rowell's user avatar
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5 votes

How does one relate the monodromy of the KZ equations with the WRT representation of the bra...

What I will say is just for quantum $SL(2)$ with $V$ being the 2-dimensional representation (or the analogous object in the representation category). Let us denote by $H$ the quantum group. For $q$ …
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