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A Banach space is a complete normed vector space: A vector space equipped with a norm such that every Cauchy sequence converges.

5 votes
1 answer

Location of a Banach Space inside its bidual

Let $X$ be a Banach Space and let $Y$ be a closed subspace of $X^{**}$ such that $X\bigcap Y=0$. Let $P$ be the quotient map from $X^{**}$ onto $X^{**}/ Y$. I need to prove or refute that $P\left|_{X} …
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A generalization of strict convexity

Consider the following properties of a Banach space: the intersection of any support hyperplane with the unit sphere is (S) a singleton (this is the strict convexity); (SF) finite-dimensional set …
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5 votes
2 answers

Is there a topology that makes every basic sequence null?

Let $E$ be a Banach space. Let $F$ be the collection of all $f\in E^*$ such that $\left<f,e_n\right>\to 0$, for every normalized basic sequence $\{e_n\}$. It is easy to see that $F$ is a closed subspa …
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2 votes
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A criterion for norming sets

Let $F$ be a Banach space with the closed unit ball $B$. Let $E\subset F^*$ be a total subspace such that $B$ is complete with respect to the norm $|||f|||=\sup \limits_{e\in E,~e\ne 0} \frac{|\left<f …
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Criterion of reflexivity

Let $E$ be a Banach space. It is known that if for any equivalent norm on $E^*$ the closed unit ball of $E^*$ is weakly* closed, then $E$ is reflexive (a very short proof is in the book by Fabian, Ha …
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Criterion of reflexivity 2

Originally I meant to ask this question here, but got confused and ended up asking another question, which had some mathematical meaning, but was not what I vaguely had in mind. Let me restate the mo …
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Compactness of operators and norming sets

Originally asked on MSE. Let $T$ be a linear map from a normed space $E$ into a Banach space $F$. Let $D\subset \overline{B}_{F^{\ast}}$ be norming, i.e., there is $r>0$ such that $\sup\limits_{v\in …
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Monotonicity of the norms on the sequence spaces 2

This is a complement of my previous question about the sequence spaces (I'm afraid, there will be a third part). Let $\rho:[0,+\infty)^{\mathbb{N}}\to[0,+\infty] $ satisfy the following properties: …
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2 votes
1 answer

Does the norm on a sequence space have to be monotone?

Let $\rho:[0,+\infty)^{\mathbb{N}}\to[0,+\infty] $ satisfy the following properties: $\rho(\lambda u)=\lambda\rho( u)$, for every $u\in [0,+\infty)^{\mathbb{N}}$ and $\lambda\ge 0$; $\rho(u+v)\le \r …
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Is a topology sandwiched between two norms compactly generated?

Recall that a Hausdorf topological space $X$ is called compactly generated if any set whose intersections with compacts are compact is closed. Locally compact and first countable spaces are compactly …
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2 votes
1 answer

Biorthogonal weakly null basic sequences

Let $E$ be a Banach space, let $e_{n}\in E$ and $g_{n}\in E^{*}$ be biorthogonal basic sequences (i.e. $\left<e_n,g_m\right>=\delta_{mn}$ ). Moreover, both of these sequences are weakly null. (note th …
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4 votes
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Approximation of multipliers by multipliers of a smaller set

Let $X$ be a compact metric space, and let $B$ be a convex balanced bounded set in $C(X)$ such that for every $x\in X$ there is $f\in B$ with $f(x)\ne 0$. Let $M=\{u\in C(X),~ uf\in B,~\forall f\in B …
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9 votes
1 answer

Is a Banach lattice isomorphic to a Hilbert space in fact a Hilbert lattice?

The title says it all: Let $E$ be a Banach lattice, which is isomorphic to a Hilbert space (as normed spaces). Is there an equivalent Hilbert norm on $E$, which still makes it a Banach lattice with r …
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Is there any concise sufficient condition for the dual space to have Kadec property?

A normed space $E$ has a Kadec property if the norm- and weak topologies coincide on the unit sphere of $E$. Kadec-Klee property if any sequence on the unit sphere, that is weakly convergent is als …
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4 votes
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Supremum over which sets makes $H^{\infty}$ non-separable?

It is known that the space $H^{\infty}$ of bounded holomorphic functions on the unit disk $D$ is non-separable with respect to the supremum norm $\|\cdot\|_{\infty}^{D}$. Let $E\subset D$ be connected …
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