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Theoretical and experimental aspects of information theory and coding theory. This tag covers but is not limited to following branches: information theory, information geometry, optimal transportation theory, coding theory.

2 votes

Bounding the difference of mutual information between input-output pairs

The problem is that entropy can differ arbitrarily despite a small total variation distance. Let $X_1 = 0$ w.prob. $1$. $X_2 = 0$ w.prob. $1-\delta$ and otherwise, $X_2 \sim \text{Uniform}\{1,\dots,n …
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7 votes

Computational complexity theoretic incompleteness: is that a thing?

This might be more of an analogy, but major complexity conjectures like P=NP could be considered related. Background: a common "complete" problem for a specified time limit is: given a Turing machine, …
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22 votes

information-theoretic derivation of the prime number theorem

You may be interested in this arxiv paper [1], "Some information-theoretic computations related to the distribution of prime numbers", Ioannis Kontoyiannis, 2007. It discusses Chebyshev's 1852 result, …
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5 votes

What characterizations of relative information are known?

I just want to make a point (and apologies if this seems already clear or obvious) that many such characterizations wil have a simple feature in common: a form of additivity axiom. This goes right ba …
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7 votes

Separating Heavier from the Lighter Balls

The answer is indeed asymptotic to $4n/\log(n)$, but I don't know of an elementary or easy construction for this upper bound. I believe simple probabilistic-method type constructions do not work. Thi …
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5 votes

concentration inequality for entropy from sample

Here's a step that seems nice enough to point out. It still leaves a parameter to pick, and I'm not sure it's ever better than applying Bernstein, but it does something different. We can get a probab …
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