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For question borderline with, or having application to, computer science. Consider also posting or instead of here, if appropriate.

4 votes

Is data science mathematically interesting?

I think the problem is that "data science" means many different things to different people. To you it connotes applying statistics to marketing, but for others it covers large swaths of probability, s …
usul's user avatar
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3 votes

Giving the same concept different names in the same paper

First, I agree with the commenters in not understanding your objection to giving different names to the same mathematical objects if they are used to model different phenomena. The terms "position" an …
usul's user avatar
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6 votes

Where have you used computer programming in your career as an (applied/pure) mathematician?

A simple but important answer (in my opinion) is to understand the behavior of some random process. For instance, imagine that you are drawing balls of different colors out of an urn and replacing th …
usul's user avatar
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1 vote

Can an algorithm decide whether a program computes all strings?

This might be more comment than answer, but -- This a standard trick -- running all TMs in parallel -- but I don't know if it has a name. You can probably find it used in introductory complexity text …
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