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5 votes
1 answer

Morita equivalence of acyclic categories

(Crossposted from math.SE.) Call a category acyclic if only the identity morphisms are invertible and the endomorphism monoid of every object is trivial. Let $C, D$ be two finite acyclic categories. …
24 votes

Categorical presentation of direct sums of vector spaces, versus tensor products

One way to think about what the monoidal structure on vector spaces is doing is that it is telling us that vector spaces do not really form a category, or not "just" a category: they form a multicateg …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
6 votes

Which abelian categories possess an exact faithful functor into abelian groups that respects...

I find it less confusing to work directly with $A^{op}$ so let me do that; I'll rename it $C$. We have a complete abelian category $C$ (completeness is equivalent to being closed under small products) …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
8 votes

Existence of eigenvalues in a k-linear abelian category

Schur's lemma has the same proof in a $k$-linear abelian category $C$ as usual: if $T : M \to M$ is a nonzero endomorphism of a simple object, by simplicity it must have trivial kernel and cokernel, s …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
8 votes

Category of modules over an Azumaya algebra and the Brauer group

$k$-linear cocomplete categories admit a "tensor product over $\text{Mod}(k)$" (thinking of them as module categories over $\text{Mod}(k)$) and the only thing you need to know about it to answer this …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
7 votes

Comultiplication on objects in an (abelian?) category

Sure, we can define such things. Let's work in the Morita 2-category $\text{Mor}(k)$ over a commutative ring $k$, which has objects $k$-algebras $A$, morphisms $k$-bimodules (with composition given …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
15 votes

Is every "nice" abelian category with enough projectives an additive presheaf category?

The category $[C^{op}, \text{Ab}]$ of $\text{Ab}$-valued presheaves on any (small, for simplicity) $\text{Ab}$-enriched category is about as nice as it gets - locally finitely presentable, Grothendiec …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
6 votes

Does a binormal category always admit an additive structure?

No. Let $C$ be a category constructed as follows. Let $G$ be a group and let $BG$ be the one-object category with automorphisms $G$. Then adjoin to $BG$ a zero object. This means that $C$ has two obje …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
3 votes

Additive functors to abelian groups: "additional structure" and functors induced by "additiv...

You want to look up Morita theory for enriched categories. By a "linear category" I will mean an $\text{Ab}$-enriched category. Write $\widehat{A}$ for the category of presheaves of abelian groups o …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
6 votes

Poset-enrichment of abelian categories

Suppose that $V, W$ are vector spaces and $f, g : V \to W$ are two parallel morphisms such that $f \le g$, for some preorder $\le$ satisfying your conditions. Claim: $f$ is a scalar multiple of $ …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
5 votes

k-linear abelian categories which are not categories of modules

This is not an answer. Below "finite" means "finite-dimensional over $k$," so "profinite" means "pro-finite-dimensional" and so forth. The category of coalgebras is the ind-category of the category o …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
3 votes

When is/isn't the monoidal unit compact projective?

Regarding schemes: on a scheme $X$, the functor of global sections is exact iff no quasicoherent sheaves have higher cohomology. By Serre's criterion for affineness, for reasonable schemes this is equ …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
6 votes

Any abelian category as filtered colimit of categories of projective modules

I'll denote the abelian category by $A$ and an object in it by $a$. Any $a \in A$ gives rise to a ring $\text{End}(a)$. The inclusion $a \to A$ induces a functor from the category of finitely generate …
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
5 votes

About an embedding of abelian categories into categories of modules

No. What follows appears to be a counterexample for $C = \text{Vect}$ (I don't understand where in your argument you prove fullness). Let $M = \text{Vect}^{op}, C = \text{Vect}$, and let $h : \text{V …
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