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Questions about modular forms and related areas

6 votes

Atkin-Lehner involution on the modular abelian varieties

Since an algebraic number is zero if and only if any of its conjugates is zero, $I_f J_1$ is stable under $W_N$ and so indeed $W_N$ descends to an automorphism of $A_f$. Now, the important thing to re …
Olivier's user avatar
  • 10.9k
2 votes

Multiplicity one for newforms modulo $p$

If by $f_1\equiv f_2$ modulo $p$, you mean that $a_n(f_1)\equiv a_{n}(f_2)$ modulo $p$ for all $n\in\mathbb N$ or maybe for all except finitely many, then this theorem cannot be true. Let's start with …
Olivier's user avatar
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5 votes

Existence of congruences between modular forms / elliptic curves

Given an eigencuspform $f$ of weight $k≥2$ (so in particular 2) and $p$ a prime of ordinary reduction (in particular good ordinary reduction), there is always a Hida family passing through $f$. This …
Olivier's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

Are there mistakes in the proof of FLT?

This semester, I teach a graduate course in epistemology of mathematics and as a case study, I assigned students a discussion on the epistemological status of Fermat's Last Theorem according to differ …
Olivier's user avatar
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4 votes

Properties of Mod $\ell^m$ Galois representation associated to modular form

Write $L$ for the finite Galois extension of $\mathbb Q$ with Galois group $G_{\mathbb Q}/\operatorname{Ker}\rho_{F,v}^m$. Then $\rho_{F,v}^m(\operatorname{Frob}_p)$ is the identity in $\operatorname{ …
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4 votes

Conductor of Galois representation attached to newform

In fact much more than the equality of conductor is true: the local Galois representation $\rho_{F,\lambda}|G_{\mathbb Q_{p}}$ obtained by restricting $\rho_{F,\lambda}$ to the decomposition group at …
Olivier's user avatar
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4 votes

Local Galois representation associated to twist of modular form

I think it helps to put things in a larger perspective. To an eigencuspform $f$ and a prime number $\ell$ is attached on the one hand an irreducible, admissible representation $\pi(f)_{\ell}$ of $\op …
Olivier's user avatar
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4 votes

Reference on a result on local Galois representation associated to classic modular form in p...

The three articles referenced presented in logical order of exposition are respectively Faltings, Gerd Hodge-Tate structures and modular forms Math. Ann. 278 (1987) Tsuji, Takeshi $p$-adic étale coh …
Olivier's user avatar
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1 vote

Canonical models of Shimura varieties for GL2

This was getting too long for a comment I'll post it as an answer. Though the set of $K$-special points on the canonical model does not depend on the choice of an embedding of $K\hookrightarrow\opera …
Olivier's user avatar
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13 votes

Ramanujan's tau function

Why not simply looking at the original source? Ramanujan made his famous conjectures in On certain arithmetical functions Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society XXII (1916), a source whi …
Olivier's user avatar
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1 vote

Does the $p$-part of the level of a newform appear in its attached $p$-adic representation?

The answer to the question in the title is yes, as explained in the last paragraph below. However, under a literal interpretation of "can" (implying actual feasibility), I believe the answer to the q …
Olivier's user avatar
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4 votes

Does Gorensteinness of $\mathbb{T}_{\mathfrak{m}}$ imply multiplicity one?

In the ordinary case, the argument is simple so let me recall it here. The $p$-divisible group $J$ is an extension of an étale $p$-divisible group $J^{et}$ by a multiplicative $p$-divisible group $J^ …
Olivier's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

An electronic copy of Vishik's work on $p$-adic $L$-functions for modular forms

This question is very simple. Would someone be so nice as to send me an electronic copy of M. M. Vishik, Non-Archimedean measures connected with Dirichlet series, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 1976, Volume 99( …
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4 votes

Applications of Level Lowering

First, a small clarification: level-lowering tells you that a modular representation in level $Np$ occurs in level $N$ only if by occurs you mean "is congruent to modulo $p$". That said, my answer to …
Olivier's user avatar
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2 votes

Index of the Hecke algebra with operators omitted

Examples of the phenomenon alluded to in Question 1 are actually plentiful. The first that came to my attention is described in M.Emerton $p$-adic families of modular forms (after Hida, Coleman, and …
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