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Complex geometry is the study of complex manifolds, complex algebraic varieties, complex analytic spaces, and, by extension, of almost complex structures. It is a part of differential geometry, algebraic geometry and analytic geometry.

9 votes

Does $H^3\times I$ admit a Kähler metric?

Note that $S^3$ embeds in $S^4$ and $S^3$ is the total space of the Euler class one circle bundle over $S^2$. It follows that the Euler class one circle bundle over $\Sigma_g$ embeds in $S^4$ for all …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
5 votes

The kernel of $H^{\bullet,\bullet}_{\bar\partial}(X)\to H_A^{\bullet,\bullet}(X)$

Let $\alpha$ be a $\bar{\partial}$-closed form. Denote its Dolbeault cohomology class by $[\alpha]_{\bar{\partial}}$ and its Aeppli cohomology class by $[\alpha]_A$; note that the map $g$ is given by …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
8 votes

Compact complex non-Kähler manifolds with nef canonical bundle

Let $X$ and $Y$ be compact complex manifolds. Note that $K_{X\times Y} \cong \pi_1^*K_X\otimes \pi_2^*K_Y$. If $Y$ has trivial canonical bundle, then $K_{X\times Y} \cong \pi_1^*K_X$. Now the pullback …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
12 votes

Complex vector bundles on compact complex manifolds

This is an explanation of my comment above, namely: "Complex vector bundles over a CW complex of dimension $\leq 4$ are classified by their Chern classes and rank. Moreover, every possible choice of C …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
13 votes

Does the Kähler form $\omega$ satisfy $d^*\omega=0$?

Recall that $d^* = -\ast d\ast$ and $\ast\omega = \frac{1}{(n-1)!}\omega^{n-1}$, see Example 1.2.32 of Huybrechts' Complex Geometry: An Introduction for example. Therefore $$d^*\omega = -\ast d\ast\om …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
12 votes

Complex structure on $S^4$

The argument via K-theory proceeds as follows. There is a map $K(X) \to H^*(X; \mathbb{Q})$ given by the Chern character. If $X = S^{2n}$, then it follows from Bott periodicity that the image of the C …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
16 votes

Exact formula for $\chi(X, \, S^n \Omega^1_X)$

As you say, formulae for $c_1(\Omega_X^1)$ and $c_2(\Omega_X^1)$ can be obtained from the splitting principle. The following is a more general version of the calculation in this answer. Lemma: Let $V …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
10 votes

Status of a conjecture of Hirzebruch

Suppose $X$ is diffeomorphic to $S^2\times S^2$ or $\mathbb{CP}^2\#\overline{\mathbb{CP}^2}$. Then $X$ is biholomorphic to a Hirzebruch surface. Note that $b_1(X) = 0$, so $X$ admits a Kähler metric. …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
24 votes

Does every open orientable even-dimensional smooth manifold admit an almost complex structure?

If $M$ admits an almost complex structure, then the odd Stiefel-Whitney classes vanish and the even Stiefel-Whitney classes admit integral lifts, namely $c_i(M) \equiv w_{2i}(M) \bmod 2$. These two co …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
11 votes

Inverse Hodge and inverse Betti problems for Kähler manifolds

The Hodge diamond \begin{array}{ccccc}&&1&&\\&0&&0&\\a&&1&&a\\&0&&0&\\&&1&&\end{array} is naively realisable. Suppose $M$ is a compact Kähler surface with the given Hodge diamond with $a \geq 2$. As $ …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
10 votes

Hodge diamonds of complex threefolds

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity. The three-dimensional Heisenberg group over $R$ is $$\mathbb{H}(3, R) = \left\{\begin{bmatrix} 1 & z^1 & z^3\\ 0 & 1 & z^2\\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix} : z^1, …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
6 votes

Complex structure on product of two $n$-dimensional real manifolds

I'm going to take $M$ and $N$ to be connected. Note that they cannot have boundary. Furthermore, as complex manifolds are orientable, $M$ and $N$ must also be orientable. If $n = 1$, then $M, N \in \ …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
3 votes

Status of global spherical shell conjecture for minimal complex surfaces?

Teleman has shown that the global spherical shell conjecture holds for $b_2 = 1$, $b_2 = 2$, and $b_2 = 3$ in the following papers respectively: Teleman, Andrei, Donaldson theory on non-Kählerian su …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
3 votes

Projection of an invariant almost complex structure to a non-integrable one

First of all, every almost complex structure on a two-dimensional manifold is integrable, see here. Let $\pi : P \to X$ be a smooth principal $G$-bundle equipped with a connection. The connection det …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
20 votes

An almost complex structure on $S^2\times ...\times S^2 / \mathbb{Z_2}$

Let $Y_n = X_n/\mathbb{Z}_2$. If $G$ is a finite group acting freely on a manifold $M$, and $\pi : M \to M/G$ denotes the quotient map, then $\pi^* : H^*(M/G; \mathbb{Q}) \to H^*(M; \mathbb{Q})$ is in …
Michael Albanese's user avatar

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