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2 votes

Equivalent definitions of pro-unipotent coalgebras

What you call "pro-unipotent coalgebras" are called "pointed irreducible coalgebras" in classical M.E. Sweedler's book "Hopf algebras" (W.A. Benjamin, New York, 1969), Section 8.0. I call them "conilp …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
0 votes

Relative version of Hilbert syzygy theorem

A Noetherian induction argument for the question about the injective dimension, similar to (but more complicated than) the Noetherian induction argument for the question about the flat dimension spell …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
1 vote

Relative version of Hilbert syzygy theorem

I contacted some people privately and was suggested the following reference, which answers both the projective and injective dimension questions. The flat dimension question surely can be dealt with …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
1 vote

Relative version of Hilbert syzygy theorem

I think that I can answer the first one of the three questions (which I guess is the simplest one), about the flat dimension. The idea is to reduce the problem to the case when $R$ is a field, using …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Relative version of Hilbert syzygy theorem

I presume that answers to the following questions are likely to exist in the literature; so this question is mostly a reference request (but failing that, I would be certainly interested in learning a …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
3 votes

When does $\operatorname{Ext}_C^1(M,N_i)=0$ imply $\operatorname{Ext}_C^1\left(M,\lim\limits...

The standard result in this direction is the dual Eklof lemma (for your first problem) or the Eklof lemma (for your dual problem). Any version of the Eklof lemma presumes that your direct/inverse sys …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Coreflective subcategories in Grothendieck/locally presentable categories

This question is a reference request for the following result or two results, which I believe are rather easy to prove. Lemma. Let $\mathcal K$ be a locally presentable category and $\mathcal A\subs …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

The Mittag-Leffler condition as necessary and sufficient

Let $A_1\leftarrow A_2\leftarrow A_3\leftarrow\dotsb$ be a projective system of abelian groups with the projection maps $p_{ij}\colon A_j\to A_i$, $j\ge i$. The derived functor of projective limit $\ …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
10 votes

Yoneda extensions in exact categories and their derived categories

Firstly, for any Quillen exact category $\mathcal E$, one can define the derived category $D(\mathcal E)$, as well as its bounded versions $D^+(\mathcal E)$, $D^-(\mathcal E)$, and $D^b(\mathcal E)$. …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
17 votes

When is bar-cobar duality an equivalence?

What the references are saying is correct, and you are right. Yes, $\Omega BA \to A$ is always a quasi-isomorphism. No, $\Omega$ does not in general take quasi-isomorphisms to quasi-isomorphisms. A …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
4 votes

On two notions of 'generators' for a 'large' triangulated category

The obvious implication is (i) $\Longrightarrow$ (ii), of course. Indeed, the class of all $c\in C$ not satisfying (ii) is precisely the full triangulated subcategory of objects right orthogonal to t …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
3 votes

Why every complex of injectives is homotopically injective (provided that, the injective dim...

Let $J^\bullet$ be an acyclic complex of injective objects in an abelian category $\mathcal A$. Consider its finite subquotient complexes of canonical truncation $0\to Z^m\to J^m\to J^{m+1}\to \dotsb …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
5 votes

DG-projective vs. K-projective complexes

K-projectivity of a complex is a property of its homotopy equivalence class, i.e., any complex homotopy equivalent to a K-projective complex is K-projective. In particular, any contractible complex i …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Radical generation of ideals in Noetherian rings

It is well-known that any ideal in a Dedekind domain can be generated by at most two elements. However, already for Noetherian domains of dimension 2, it is easy to construct examples of ideals that …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
9 votes

$A_\infty$ structure on Ext-algebras well defined?

Let $P\to M$ be a projective resolution of $M$ and $M\to J$ be an injective resolution. Consider the composition of the morphisms of complexes $P\to M\to J$ and set $C$ to be the cone of the morphism …
Leonid Positselski's user avatar

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