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Euclidean, hyperbolic, discrete, convex, coarse geometry, metric spaces, comparisons in Riemannian geometry, symmetric spaces.

21 votes

Does list of distances define points uniquely?

There exists examples of different point configurations in $\mathbb{R}^2$ having the same the set (but different matrices of!) distances. The simplest example contains 4 points and could be found i …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
11 votes

Perimeter of ellipse: Combination of two geometries

No, because otherwise we will have this property also for degenerate ellipses, which are intervals, which would imply that the euclidean distance between two (sufficiently close) points is $\lambda …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
8 votes

Do sufficiently regular distances on manifolds come from riemannian metrics?

The Riemannian distance has the following property: it is the so called length space. I recall (one of) the definitions of the length space. Having a distance function $d$, we can define the length o …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
6 votes

Which surfaces admit unbounded-length simple geodesics?

Elipsoid does not posess unbounded geodesics with no self-intersection. I do not know a conceptual explanation. My explanation is that (due to integrability of the geodesic flow of ellipsoid) we …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
5 votes

Geodesic transformations of the complex projective plane

The answer is no. The explanation of Anton is of course correct but there exist stronder statements in the literature: for example by Sinjukov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 98, (1954) 21--23) any sy …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
5 votes

Length spectrum for Riemannian metrics in the projective plane

The answer is positive; in fact any smooth manifold has two nonisometric metrics with conjugate geodesic flows. A construction is in C. Croke, B. Kleiner, Conjugacy and rigidity for manifolds with a p …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
4 votes

Transitive geodesics on closed surfaces of genus greater than one

This is both: answer on the new version of the question and comment on comment of Andrey Gogolev, who asked whether one can make the question more complicated assuming additionally that the set of …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
4 votes

Volume-preserving projective transformations are isometries

A pair (projective structure, volume form) allows one to canonically construct a torsion-free affine connection. This affine connection belongs to the projective structure and has the property …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
3 votes

Intuition for Levi-Civita connection via Hamiltonian flows

I do not know whether this is the answer you want since in my understanding it is well known: If we have a Riemannian metric $g$ on $M$, i.e. a (nondegenerate) bilinear form on each $T_xM$, then w …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
2 votes

Every real-holomorphic Hamiltonian vector field on a Kähler manifold is Killing (and preserv...

If $\mathcal{L}_v J= 0$ and $\mathcal{L}_v \Omega= 0$, then $\mathcal{L}_v g=0$ so $v$ is a Killing vector field. Indeed, the property $\mathcal{L}_v J= 0$ is equivalent to the condition that the …
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar