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The study of the properties of real and complex matrices that are more close to analysis and operator theory. For instance: the properties of positive definite matrices, matrix inequalities, perturbation analysis, matrix functions, inequalities between eigenvectors and singular values, majorization.

1 vote

lower bound of a trace quadratic form

I don't know what form of improved bound you could hope for. If $v$ is a vector in the kernel of $A$, then adding $v v^T$ to $X$ will not change $A X A^T$ but will increase $\text{tr}(X)$. So if $A …
Robert Israel's user avatar
1 vote

Maximizing/Minimizing the Operator norms of 0-1 matrices subject to a constraint

In the case $n=2$, all $2 \times 2$ $0-1$ matrices of full rank are equivalent (under permutation of rows or columns) to either $I$ or $\pmatrix{1 & 1\cr 0 & 1\cr}$, so the answer in that case is $\al …
Robert Israel's user avatar
0 votes

Decomposition of one Matrix into six matrices

If $X_1, X_2, X_3$ are invertible, $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ can be any invertible matrices and $Y_3 = (X_1 Y_1 X_2 Y_2 X_3)^{-1} A B$.
Robert Israel's user avatar
13 votes

Does the matrix exponential preserve the positive-semi-definite ordering?

For example, try $$A = \pmatrix{1 & 0\cr 0 & 0\cr},\ B = A + t C\ \text{where}\ C = \pmatrix{1 & 1\cr 1 & 1\cr}$$ where $t>0$ is small. Then $A ≼ B$ but $$ e^B - e^A = t \pmatrix{e & e-1 \cr e …
Robert Israel's user avatar
2 votes

Logarithms of matrices in the disk-algebra

$\Delta(z)$ does not have a nonpositive real eigenvalue for $|z| < 4$, so the principal branch of the logarithm is defined and analytic on a neighbourhood of its spectrum, and thus the holomorphic fu …
Robert Israel's user avatar
4 votes

Nearby matrices have nearby leading eigenvectors?

The spectral projection of $A$ for eigenvalue $1$ can be realized as $P_A = \dfrac{1}{2\pi i} \oint_{\Gamma} (z I - A)^{-1} \; dz$ where $\Gamma$ is a contour that encloses $1$ but none of the other …
Robert Israel's user avatar
4 votes

Connection between eigenvalues of A and its LDL decomposition

More generally, the following appears to be true. Suppose $A$ is a real $N \times N$ symmetric matrix with rank $N-1$ and $A b = 0$ where $b \ne 0$. Let $A = LDL^T$ be the $LDL^T$ decomposition of $ …
Robert Israel's user avatar
4 votes

Bounds on Matrix Exponential

$\|C(k)\|$ can be arbitrarily large, since e.g. you can add some large integer multiple of $2\pi i I$ without changing $e^{C(k)}$. If you want to try to avoid this, you might specify that $C(k)$ is t …
Robert Israel's user avatar
0 votes

Bounding/approximating the largest eigenvalue of the special case of companion matrix

First of all, we can scale your matrix so there is only one parameter, so let's say $p = 1$ for simplicity. It looks to me like the characteristic polynomial of your matrix is $$ P(\lambda) = \frac{\ …
Robert Israel's user avatar
3 votes

Additivity of the Field of Values

This is just a partial answer, but maybe an important case. If $A$ is hermitian, $F(A)$ is the interval $[\lambda_{\text{min}}(A), \lambda_{\text{max}}(A)]$, where $\lambda_{\text{min}}(A)$ and $\lam …
Robert Israel's user avatar
10 votes

Induced matrix norm less than one for matrices with spectral radius less than one

Consider the matrix $A = \pmatrix{0 & 1\cr 0 & 0\cr}$ which has spectral radius $0$. But $A A^*$ has spectral radius $1$, so for any sub-multiplicative norm $$1 \le \|A A^*\| \le \|A\| \|A^*\| \le \m …
Robert Israel's user avatar
3 votes

The space of positive definite orthogonal matrices

A (real) orthogonal matrix $A$ is positive definite if and only the symmetric matrix $M = A + A^T$ is positive definite. There are many equivalent characterizations of this: one is that all leading p …
Robert Israel's user avatar
11 votes

How much redundancy resides in an $n \times n$ orthogonal matrix?

$O(n)$ is a manifold of dimension $n(n-1)/2$, so "generically" one might hope to recover up to $n(n+1)/2$ entries from the other $n(n-1)/2$. This won't quite work, however. Given any set $A$ of rows …
Robert Israel's user avatar
5 votes

The structure of the $n$-th power of a special matrix

The characteristic polynomial of $C_p^{(a,b)}$ is $\lambda^p - (a+b) \lambda^{p-1}$. Therefore, for $m \ge p$ we have $$(C_p^{(a,b)})^m = (a+b)^{m-p} (C_p^{(a,b)})^{p-1}$$ It appears that $B = (C_p^{ …
Robert Israel's user avatar
3 votes

Define a matrix function with a specific property

Why not just take the sum of the norms of the commutators $[H_{ij}, H_{kl}]$ and $[H_{ij}, H^*_{ij}]$?
Robert Israel's user avatar

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