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Extension of 2-adic valuation to the real numbers

I just want to know what properties of valuations extend to $\mathbb R$... Denote an extension of the 2-adic valuation from $\mathbb Q$ to $\mathbb R$ by $\nu$. Suppose $\nu(x)=\nu(y)=0$. Is it true ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Valuation theory on semisimple algebras used in the paper of Cohen-Martinet: reference request

I'm currently reading the paper of Henri Cohen & Jacques Martinet "Etude heuristique des groupes de classes des corps de nombres" On the 2nd section, they recall some facts on valuations, ...
gualterio's user avatar
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Subgroup of Projective general linear group on complete discrete valuation ring

Let $R$ be a complete dvr and $k$ its residue field of positive characteristic. Let $H$ be a finite subgroup of $PGL_2(k)$ such that the order of $H$ is prime with $char(k)$. Is there some ...
user75536's user avatar
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Produce an irreducible polynomial that can't be proved irreducible by using Eisenstein [closed]

give An example of an irreducible polynomial that cannot prove it by using the Eisenstein criterion even with the use of all linear change variable($x-c=y$).
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