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Difference between the Laplacian and the sub-Laplacian of a Lie group

Given a Lie group $G$, what is the difference between the Laplacian $\Delta$ and the sub-Laplacian $\Delta_{sub}$ of $G$. And what are the properties that we lose when going from sub-Laplace to ...
Z. Alfata's user avatar
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Heisenberg groups, Carnot groups and contact forms

The horizontal distribution in the Heisenberg group is the kernel of the standard contact form: $$ \alpha = dt + 2 \sum_{j=1}^n (x_j \, dy_j - y_j \, dx_j). $$ Question. Can one describe ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

dirichlet problem in the heisenberg group

Good morning everybody. I was looking just for a quick reference to know whether the Dirichlet problem has a solution in the Heisenberg group, that is $\mathbb R^3$ endowed with coordinates $(x,y,z)$ ...
guido giuliani's user avatar