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2 answers

How does hyperbolicity of space time affect our lives?

My main research has been in hyperbolic geometry and geometric group theory. I always thought that the only real "application" of my work was that the universe is a 3-manifold. But recently I found ...
Brian Rushton's user avatar
8 votes
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Noncommutative geometry and line length

I would like to understand, in some formal sense, the relation between the Dirac operator and the line length introduced by Connes in noncommutative geometry. If $D$ is the Dirac operator, he sets $ds ...
Jon's user avatar
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Euler characteristic of Cauchy surface in Lorentz manifold

Are there any known topological restrictions on what kinds of manifolds can form the Cauchy hypersurface of a Lorentzian manifold? I'm particularly interested about restrictions on Euler ...
David Hillman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

manifolds whose charts are maps to Minkowski space

I'm doing a project involving tilings of Minkowski space. For instance in 2d I have rectangular tiles determined by a spacelike line segment: the rectangle is the region caused by the line segment. ...
David Hillman's user avatar