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6 votes
1 answer

Relationship between canonical topology on a topos and its site of definition

The canonical (Grothendieck) topology for a category $C$ is the largest (finest) topology such that every representable presheaf over $C$ is a sheaf. According to First Order Categorical Logic Lemma 1....
2 votes
1 answer

Is the slice of a subcanonical site also subcanonical?

A subcanonical site is one for which every representable functor is a sheaf. For a subcanonical site $C$, the fundamental theorem of topos theory says that there is an equivalence $Sh(C/c)\cong Sh(C)/...
11 votes
2 answers

Equivalence of the definitions of a sheaf in SGA4 and in "Categories and Sheaves"

I asked this question on Mathematics Stack Exchange, but got no answer. I don't understand why the definition of a sheaf (Definition 17.3.1 (ii)) given in the book [KS] Categories and Sheaves by ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does the (Vistoli-)sheafification induce isomorphism?

Given a presheaf, in Angelo Vistoli's 2007 Notes on Grothendieck topologies, fibered categories and descent theory there is a construction of the sheafification (Proof for theorem 2.64). Note: In ...
3 votes
1 answer

Compatibility of pullbacks with an equivalence relation

This question was originally posted last week in Math Stack Exchange (see here). I'm currently working on the proof of the existence of the sheafification in Angelo Vistoli’s 2007 Notes on ...
3 votes
1 answer

What to call a morphism of sites inducing an equivalence on categories of sheaves?

Is there a standard term for a morphism of sites $(C,J)\to(C',J')$ which induces an equivalence on sheaf categories $\operatorname{Sh}(C',J')\xrightarrow\sim\operatorname{Sh}(C,J)$? The nLab entry ...
13 votes
0 answers

Making the conceptual leap from locales to Grothendieck topologies?

I find the definition for locales and sheaves on locales to be straightforward, but I'm stumbling over the idea of a Grothendieck topology. Is there a nice way to see roughly how the latter ...