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Recursion for reversed rows of the A373183 using unsigned Stirling numbers of the first kind

Let $\left[{n \atop k}\right]$ be unsigned Stirling numbers of the first kind. Here $$ \left[{n \atop k}\right] = (n-1)\left[{n-1 \atop k}\right] + \left[{n-1 \atop k-1}\right], \\ \left[{n \atop 0}\...
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Closed form for $a(2^m(2k+1))$

Let $a(n)$ be A329369 (i.e., number of permutations of $\{1,2,\dotsc,m\}$ with excedance set constructed by taking $m-i$ ($0 < i < m$) if $b(i-1) = 1$ where $b(k)b(k-1)\cdots b(1)b(0)$ ($0 \...
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Closed form for the family of polynomials

Let $s(n,k)$ be a (signed) Stirling number of the first kind. Let $R(n,x)$ be the family of polynomials such that $$ R(2n+1,x) = xR(n,x), \\ R(2n,x) = x(R(n,x+1) - R(n, x)), \\ R(0, x) = x $$ Let $\...
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Simple recursion for the A329369 using Stirling numbers of both kinds

Let $s(n,k)$ be a (signed) Stirling number of the first kind. Let $n \brace k$ be a Stirling number of the second kind. Let $a(n)$ be A329369 (i.e, number of permutations of ${1,2,...,m}$ with ...
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