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$K_0$-basis modules with a unique extension related to parking functions

Let $B=B_n$ be the quiver algebra of type $A_n$ (with some orietnation) with $n$ points. A $B$-module $M$ is a basis of the Grothendieck group $K_0$ if $M$ has $n$ indecomposable direct summands and ...
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Depth and codepth of an algebra

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional $K$-algebra over a field $K$ and $0 \rightarrow A \rightarrow I^0 \rightarrow I^1 \rightarrow \cdots$ a minimal injective coresolution of the regular module $A$. The ...
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Bounds for sum of the homological dimensions in the incidence algebra of a Boolean lattice

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra. Define $\varphi_A:= \sup \{ \operatorname{pd} M + \operatorname{id} M \mid M \in \operatorname{ind}(A) \}$, where $\operatorname{pd} M$ denotes the projective ...
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Example of a triangular string algebra that is rep infinite, but $\tau$-tilting finite

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field $\mathbb{K}$. Hence, $A$ can be realized as the path algebra of a bound quiver $(Q,I)$, where $I\subseteq\mathbb{K}Q$ is an ...
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Equivalence of two descriptions of differentials of Koszul complex

My question comes from learning the paper [BGS96] Koszul duality patterns in representation theory by Beilinson, Ginzburg and Soergel, published in 1996. Let $A=T_{A_0}A_1/\langle R\rangle$ be a ...
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Construction of a certain long exact sequence

Let $A$ be a noetherian ring (not necessarily commutative) or for simplicity even a finite dimensional algebra over a field. Let $X$ and $U$ be finitely generated $A$-modules and let $add(U)$ be the ...
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Commutative local rings which satisfy Krull-Remak-Schmidt

Question 1: Can the class of local (always noetherian and commutative) rings be classified for which the Krull-Remak-Schmidt theorem (KRS) holds for finitely generated modules? They contain for ...
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Representation finite Hopf algebras up to stable equivalence

It is well known that every representation-finite group algebra $KG$ is stable equivalent to a symmetric Nakayama algebra. Question: Is it true that every representation-finite Hopf algebra is stable ...
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Rigid modules for hereditary algebras

Let $A=KQ$ be a path algebra of a connected quiver. (K algebraically closed if it helps) Question: Is there an explicit classification of all indecomposable $A$-modules $M$ that are rigid, that is $...
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When does a stable endomorphism ring have injective dimension at most one?

tLet $A$ be a Frobenius algebra (we can assume that $A$ is given by quiver and relations) and let $M$ be a basic $A$-module without projective direct summands (we can assume we know the decomposition ...
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How to compute the derived functor of bounded derived categories of hereditary algebra?

Let $\Lambda$ be a finite dimensional algebra given by the quiver $$\cdot\leftarrow\cdot\leftarrow\cdot\rightarrow\cdot.$$ It can be view as an triangulated matrix algebra. $$\Lambda={A\ \ M\choose0\ ...
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Functors with adjoints

I want to find a functor between abelian categories, which is faithful but not full. And this functor has left and right adjoint. I want to know a nontrivial example,which is not inducecd by a ring ...
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Bimodule Ext for Dynkin path algebras

Let $A=kQ$ be a path algebra of Dynkin type $Q$ and $B=A^{op} \otimes_k A$ the enveloping algebra of $A$. Note that $mod-B$ is just the category of $A$-bimodule and $A$ is a $B$-module. For a B-module ...
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On periods of symmetric algebras

Let $A$ be a symmetric finite dimensional algebra over a field of characteristic two (or even over the field with two elements) such that every simple $A$-module has the same period equal to $n$. ...
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Invertible bimodule for hereditary algebras

Let $A=kQ$ be a path algebra over a field $k$ for a finite acyclic quiver with enveloping algebra $A^e$. Question: When is it true that $\tau_{A^e}(A) \cong A$ as a left and as a right $A$-modules? (...
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Bimodule isomorphism for representation-finite blocks of the Schur algebra

Let $A$ be a representation-finite block of a schur algebra with $n \geq 2$ simple modules. Then the global and dominant dimension of $A$ are equal to $g=2n-2$. You can find quiver and relations for ...
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Algebras from a basis of a Frobenius algebra

Let $A$ be a commutative Frobenius algebra over a field $K$ (we can assume that $A$ is local). We can assume $A=K[x_1,...,x_r]/I$ for an ideal $I$ with $J^n \subseteq I \subseteq J^2$ where $J=<x_i&...
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Generalising injective modules

Free modules over a ring generalise to projective modules over a ring, which generalise to flat modules, which generalise to torsion free modules: $$ \textrm{free} \to \textrm{projective} \to \textrm{...
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Tate cohomology for group algebras

Let $A=kG$ be a group algebra with a finite group $G$ and a field $k$. Let $T^i(M,N)= \underline{Hom_A}(\Omega^i(M),N)$ be the $i$-th Tate cohomology group. Note $T^i(M,N)= Ext_A^i(M,N)$ in case $i \...
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Selfinjective algebras with loops

Given a selfinjective finite dimensional algebra $A$ with an indecomposable module $M$ with $Ext_A^1(M,M) \neq 0$. Question: Is A derived equivalent to an algebra with a loop in the quiver in ...
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Strong no loop conjecture for uniserial modules

Let $A$ be a an Artin algebra. The strong no loop conjecture states that a simple $A$-module with $Ext_A^1(S,S) \neq 0$ has infinite projective dimension. This conjecture was recently proved for ...
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On monomial and $\Omega^d$-finite algebras

Let $Q$ be a finite quiver and $I$ a monomial admissible ideal of the path algebra $KQ$ for a field $K$. Then an algebra $A=KQ/I$ is called a monomial algebra. It is well known that monomial algebras ...
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Stable m-Calabi Yau property for Frobenius categories

Let $C$ be a Frobenius category. The stable category $\underline{C}$ is called $m$-Calabi Yau in case it is Hom-finite and there is a functorial duality $D \underline{Hom}(X,Y)=\underline{Hom}(Y,\...
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Equivalence from a tilting module

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra. For a subcategory $C$ of $mod-A$ let $\overline{C}$ be the objects $X \in mod-A$ such that there exists an exact sequence $0 \rightarrow C_n \rightarrow ... \...
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Characterisation of representation-directed algebras

A representation-directed algebra $A$ over a field $K$ has the property that for every indecomposable module $M$ we have $\mathrm{End}_A(M) \cong K$ and $\mathrm{Ext}_A^i(M,M)=0$ for all $i>0$. ...
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$\Omega$-periodic modules in selfinjective algebras

Given a representation infinite (connected) selfinjective algebra $A$ with an indecomposable $\Omega$-periodic module $M$. Does $A$ then have infinitely many indecomposable $\Omega$-periodic ...
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Constructing stable equivalences for finite dimensional algebras

Given a finite dimensional (non-selfinjective) algebra $A$. Is there a method (for example using QPA) to construct algebras stable equivalent to $A$? Such a thing is easily possible for derived ...
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Do the values of the global dimension constitute an interval?

Let $Q$ be a fixed finite connected quiver and $k$ a fixed field. Set $Z_Q:= \{ gldim(kQ/I) < \infty | I $ an admissible ideal $\}$. Question: Is $Z_Q$ an intervall? This is true for example in ...
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Complexity of the regular module

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra with a module $M$ who has minimal injective coresolution $(I_i)$. Define the complexity $cx(M)$ as $cx(M):= \inf \{ t \geq 0 | \dim(I_i) \leq a i^{t-1}$ for all ...
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Length 2 modules over finite dimensional algebras

Given a finite dimensional algebra $A$ over an infinite field and two simple modules $S,T$. Question 1: Is there a useful (homological/computational) crtierion to decide when there are infinitely ...
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On a conjecture about tilting modules

There is the following conjecture on tilting modules (see also History of an open problem on partial tilting modules): Given a partial tilting module $T$ over a finite dimensional algebra $A$ (that is ...
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$Ext_{A^e}^i(D(A),A)$ for finite dimensional algebras

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional non-semisimple algebra over a field $K$ with enveloping algebra $A^e=A^{op} \otimes_K A$. Let $D(A)=Hom_K(A,K)$. Question: Is there always a positive integer $i>...
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Projective dimensions of the terms in a minimal injective resolution of the regular module

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra with finite global dimension and with minimal injective coresolution $I_i$ of the regular module $A$. The study of the projective dimensions of the $I_i$ is an ...
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Homological conjecture for finite dimensional algebras

In the theory of finite dimensional algebras there are many homological conjectures. When working over an algebraically closed field it is well known that any such algebra is Morita equivalent to a ...
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Does the first Tachikawa conjecture imply the Nakayama conjecture?

Let $A$ be a non-selfinjective algebra with dominant dimension at least one and $Af$ a minimal faithful projective-injective left $A$-module (but we use right modules in the following). The Nakayama ...
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Injective dimension of $A/AfA$

Let $A$ be an algebra of finite global dimension and $Af$ the direct sum of all indecomposable projective-injective left $A$-modules. Using right modules, left $g$ denote the injective dimension of $A/...
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Periodic algebras from periodic simple modules

As continuation of the previous thread Example to periodic symmetric algebras , I have the following question: Is there a counterexample to the following: Let A be a symmetric algebra and W the ...
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Super global dimension

Let $R$ be a ring of finite global dimension. Define the small super global dimension as $sgl(R):= \sup \{ pd(X)+id(X) | X \in mod-R$ and indecomposable $\}$. Here $id(X)$ stands for the injective ...
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Double dual of the simple module in local algebras

Let $A$ be a local Artin algebra that is not selfinjective with simple module $S$. Questions: Can $S^{**}$ be indecomposable? $S^{**}$ be somehow generally be described (for example as a ...
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Representation dimension of Auslander algebras

Is the representation dimension of Auslander algebras known? Is there an example of such algebras with representation dimension larger than 4?
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Ext of a Schur algebra

Let $A=A_n$ be the representation-finite block of a Schur algebra with $n$ simple modules for $n \geq 2$. Quiver and relations of $A$ can be found in 6.1. of . Let ...
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Question on outer Ext-products

For group algebras $A=KG$ over a field $K$ with finite group $G$ there exists an outer product on Ext: $Ext_A^i(M,N) \otimes_K Ext_A^j(M',N') \rightarrow Ext_A^{i+j}(M \otimes_K M',N \otimes_K N')$. ...
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QF-3 monoid algebras

A finite dimensional algebra $A$ is called QF-3 in case the injective envelope of the regular module is projective. For example all Frobenius algebras are QF-3. Given a monoid algebra $kG$ of a finite ...
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Ext over a certain commutative algebra

Let $A$ be the algebra $K[x,y]/(x^2,y^2,xy,yx)$. Then $A$ is a 3-dimensional commutative algebra and $Ext^i(M,A) \neq 0$ for any indecomposable non-projective module $M$ for some $i>0$. Namely: $...
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Bounds on global and dominant dimension of certain algebras

Algebras are always finite dimensional over a field $K$. Let $X_n$ be the set of representation-finite algebras over $K$ with $n$ simple modules. Define $g(X_n):= sup \{ gldim(A) | A \in X_n $ and $A$...
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Special modules over symmetric algebras

Let $A$ be a symmetric connected finite dimensional algebra over a field $k$. Call a tuple of two modules $(X,M)$ (having no projective direct summands) cute in case $Ext^l(X,M) \neq 0$ for some $l \...
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Characterisation of Frobenius algebras via sequences

Given a commutative Frobenius algebra, finite dimensional over a field $k$. We assume that the algebra is connected and in fact given by quiver and relations. Let $S$ be the unique simple modules of ...
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Global dimension of quiver algebras

Given a finite quiver $Q$, let $Y(Q)$ be the set of (isomorphism classes of) algebra $kQ/I$ (with admissible ideal $I$) that have finite global dimension. For example in case $Q$ is acyclic, all ...
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Coxeter polynomials of Nakayama algebras

Are two Nakayama algebras with a linear quiver derived equivalent if and only if they have the same coxeter polynomial? Derived categories of Nakayama algebras appear in interesting contexts (see for ...
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Testing the Cartan determinant conjecture via Gorenstein algebras

Let $A$ be a Gorenstein algebra (of infinite global dimension) with finitely many indecomposable Gorenstein projective modules and $X$ the basic direct sum of all indecomposable Gorenstein projective ...
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