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$p$-adic uniformisation of abelian varieties

In the paper $p$-adic L-functions and $p$-adic periods of modular forms of Greenberg and Stevens $\S3$ page $420$ they make the following statement: Let $A$ over $\mathbf{Q}_p$ be an abelian variety ...
cannonball's user avatar
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What is the precise relationship between primitive Hida families and the connected components of the ordinary locus of the eigencurve?

In the references I've found discussing this question, I have not found any statements that I can understand and that are as precise as I would like. I'm more familiar with Hida families than with the ...
Will Dukeminier's user avatar
4 votes
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Cyclotomic Extension of a Perfectoid Space

Maybe, I am being stupid, but when I consider ramified extension of a perfectoid field with the characteristic $0$, I cannot find the correspondent field with characteristic $p$. Let me put it more ...
Wayne Peng's user avatar