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Contractibility of the quotient of an analytification of a smooth variety by a finite group (if the field is trivially valued)

Let $k$ be a field and $X$ be a smooth irreducible $k$-variety with an action of a finite group $G$. I consider $k$ as a trivially valued field. It is known from results of Berkovich ("Smooth p-...
Sam's user avatar
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The stack $\operatorname{GL}_2/B$

Let $F$ be the functor from the category of affinoid Tate algebras over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ to the category $\mathrm{Sets}$, which maps an affinoid $\operatorname{Spm} R$ to the set of orbits $\...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Moduli interpretation of normalization of moduli space

The question is about formal and rigid geometry, but I would be interested in an answer from an algebraic geometry point of view as well. Let $\mathfrak{X}$ be a formal moduli space (e.g., the formal ...
Jon Aycock's user avatar
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Rigid analytic reductions of the projective line

I'm reading the book "Rigid Analytic Geometry and its Applications" by Fresnel-van der Put, and I'm confused by their example 4.8.5. In the first two parts of the example, they define the analytic ...
pw1's user avatar
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Component group of Neron model of a parametrized abelian variety

Let $A$ be an abelian variety of dimension $2$ over a $p$-adic field $K$ with (additive) valuation $v$. Assuming $A$ has multiplicative reduction, the theory of $p$-adic theta functions gives us an ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Prime to $p$ monodromy of local system on rigid variety

Suppose $F$ is a finite extension of $\mathbb Q_p$, and $X$ is a rigid variety over $F$. I saw in proposition 3.7 of Oswal, Shankar, Zhu, and Patel - A $p$-adic analogue of Borel's theorem: "Let $...
Richard's user avatar
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Analytic structures on the source of a surjection of condensed rings

Question. Let $(\mathcal B,\mathcal N)$ be an analytic (animated associative) ring, $\mathcal A$ be a condensed (animated associative) ring and $f\colon\mathcal A\to\mathcal B$ a surjective map of ...
Z. M's user avatar
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morphism from adic spaces to schemes

Let $X:=Spa A$ be an affinoid adic space, and $\underline X $ the ringed space of $X$. Let $Y:=Spec B$ be an affine scheme, $f: \underline X \longrightarrow Y$ a morphism of ringed spaces. How to ...
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