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Generalized Beilinson spectral sequences

Assume we are workling on $\mathbb{P}^n$ for some $n\geq 1$ and we have a coherent sheaf $F$ on it. Then there are two (well known?) spectral sequences $E_r^{p,q}$ with $E_1$-term: $E_1^{p,q}=H^q(\...
TonyS's user avatar
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The Mayer-Viertoris exact sequence as a (Zariski) descent spectral sequence.

For certain 'spaces' $U,V$ (they are certain Henselizations of subvarieties) I would like to compute (certain etale) cohomology of $U\cup V$ in terms of the corresponding cohomology of the diagram $U\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Sheaf of sections and local triviality

This is probably not a research level question, I'm sorry if it is inappropriate. I'm reasking here this question on Suppose that $\xi: E \to B$ is a bundle (by which I mean simply a ...
Alexei Averchenko's user avatar
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Does one need to sheafify when defining the inverse image of a sheaf with respect to an embedding?

This seems to be a rather simple (stupid?:)) question; yet I was not able to find an answer quickly. For a morphism $f:X\to Y$ of schemes (or topological spaces) and an (etale or topological) sheaf $...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to "globalize" the inverse function theorem?

Let $F: V \times W\rightarrow Z$, where $V,W,Z$ are finite-dimensional smooth (or analytic) manifolds and $F$ is smooth (or analytic). Assume that $\dim W=\dim Z$ and the usual inverse function ...
anonymous's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Derived categories of coherent sheaves: suggested references?

I am interested in learning about the derived categories of coherent sheaves, the work of Bondal/Orlov and T. Bridgeland. Can someone suggest a reference for this, very introductory one with least ...
J Verma's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Is the dual notion of a presheaf useful?

It seems that there is a common theme in mathematics where, if we want to find out about a category C, then we look at $\hat{C}$ (the category of contravariant functors from $C$ to $Set$). There are ...
Dylan Wilson's user avatar
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3 votes
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Functoriality of base change

Let $a:W\rightarrow X$, $c:X\rightarrow Z$, $b:W\rightarrow Y$ and $d:Y\rightarrow Z$ be a pull-back diagram in the category of topological spaces. Then one can construct a natural isomorphism $\kappa$...
JJH's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

References regarding a connection between recursion theory and sheaves

In Manin's A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians, he defines (p.201) a structure $(\mathcal{E},R)$ given an enumerable set $E \subset (\mathbb{Z}^+)^n$ by: $\mathcal{E}$ is the set of all ...
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20 votes
5 answers

Equivalence of ordered and unordered cech cohomology.

Given a topological space X and a finite cover X = $\cup X_i$, one can define Cech cohomology of a sheaf of abelian groups F with respect to the cover $\{X_i\}$ in two different ways: (Ordered): ...
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

What books should I read before beginning Masaki Kashiwara and Pierre Schapira's "Sheaves on Manifolds"

I am a beginner trying to learn about sheaves. I am trying to read Masaki Kashiwara and Pierre Schapira's book "Sheaves on Manifolds", but I find it is not easy for me to understand. What ...