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Higher homotopy algebraic structure on the homology of an operad

Given a DGA $A$, then by standard techniques such as homological perturbation theory, the ring structure on the homology $H(A)$ extends to a minimal $A_\infty$-algebra structure such that $H(A)$ is ...
Jeffrey Giansiracusa's user avatar
12 votes
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Reference for functors in Kadeishvili's C_\infty paper

In his paper Cohomology $C_\infty$-algebra and rational homotopy type, Tornike Kadeishvili describes how the rational cohomology of a simply-connected space carries the structure of a $C_\infty$-...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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rational homotopy of a manifold

Given a finite dim rational homotopy type satisfying Poincaré duality, what is the best reference to when it is the rational homotopy type of a fin dim manifold?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Almost free circle actions on spheres

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Fix}{\operatorname{Fix}}$I am looking for any reference regarding the following problem: Problem: Consider a smooth almost-free action of $S^1$ on a smooth sphere $S^n$. Then ...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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Rational homotopy type of Hilbert scheme components

What is known about rational homotopy type of irreducible component of $Hilb^n(\mathbb C^k)$ containing configuration space? I've searched arXiv for a while and found nothing but surmise that Betti ...
Denis T's user avatar
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What's a good reference for the following obstruction theory yoga?

Fix a colored operad, which I will leave implicit, and a field $\mathbb K$ of characteristic $0$. By algebra in this post I will mean a dg algebra over $\mathbb K$ for the given colored operad. I ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Finite spatial realization of relative minimal sullivan models

In their book "Algebraic Models in Geometry" (Felix, Oprea, Tanre) the authors claim that: "Each finite type relative minimal cdga $(∧V ⊗∧W,D)$ is the relative minimal model of a fibration $p: E → B$ ...
ort96's user avatar
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Formality of Sullivan Representatives

Suppose we have a map $f : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ between two formal, simply connected CDGAs, with induced map on cohomology $H(f) : H(\mathcal{A}) \to H(\mathcal{B})$. Further, suppose we have ...
kelly maggs's user avatar